CONF: Tra arte e industria: la serialità della scultura nel Quattrocento (Università di Trento – 6 / 7 Nov 2024)
Il Quattrocento fu una fase di fervente rinnovamento nel campo artistico che non riguardò solo il piano delle idee e della cultura, ma anche – a un livello più pratico – le tecniche…
CONF: Artists Agents and Patrons from the Low Countries in the Iberian World (Brussels, 9 Dec 2022)
The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) is organizing a study day to further clarify our understanding of the artistic exchanges and influences that took place between the Low Countries and the Iberian…
CFP: Variety, Variation, Multiplication in Premodern Art (TU Berlin, 13-15 Apr 2023)
Printed images and moulded artworks have one thing in common: they refer to an “original form” to which they stand in a complex relationship. Produced in a mechanical process with the help of…
CFP: Gold in Renaissance Western Europe. Interdisciplinary Approaches (Paris, 9-10 Jun 2022)
In his influential book on painting and visual culture in fifteenth-century Italy (Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy, 1972), Michael Baxandall described the abandonment of gold in painting practices as a sensitive phenomenon…
CFP: Printmaking as Passe-Partout: Leveraging Skill and Knowledge in Artists’ Migration, 15th-18th Centuries (APS-sponsored RSA Panel, Dublin 30 Mar – 2 Apr 2022)
The RSA invites proposals for this panel at our 68th Annual Meeting in Dublin, Ireland on Wednesday, 30 March through Saturday, 2 April. Submission deadline: 26 July 2021
ANN: Round Table ‘From Genoa to London: Four Centuries of Collecting Raphael’ (London Art Week Digital / online – 3 Dec 2020, 5pm GMT)
Round Table ‘From Genoa to London: Four Centuries of Collecting Raphael’ London Art Week Digital / online – 3 Dec 2020, 5pm GMT London Art Week inaugurated its first and highly acclaimed Symposium…
TIAMSA Discount for “Sephardic Book Art of the 15th Century”, ed. by TIAMSA Member Luis U. Afonso, together with Tiago Moita
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