CONF: 17th Century Foreign Insights on Dutch Art (University of Geneva, 17-18 Mar 2022)
Registration is now open for “The Envy of some, the Fear of others, and the Wonder of all their Neighbours” Seventeenth-Century Foreign Insights on Dutch Art, the final conference of the project Un siècle d’Or? Repenser la peinture hollandaise…
ANN: Seminar – The 5th Earl and Countess of Exeter as late-seventeenth-century collectors of contemporary Italian art, IHR (Online, 7 Feb 2022, 6pm GMT)
On Monday, 7 February, at 6pm London time, Amy Lim will speak to us on The 5th Earl and Countess of Exeter as late-seventeenth-century collectors of contemporary Italian art. Between 1678 and 1700, John Cecil,…
ANN: Rembrandt and the Art Market / Rembrandt und der Kunstmarkt (Städelmuseum Frankfurt – online, 20 Oct 2021 – 12 Jan 2022; four lectures in German and English)
Bis heute ist Rembrandt eine internationale Marke und seine Werke sind heiß begehrte „Blue Chips“. Im 17. Jahrhundert behauptete sich der Künstler mit seiner Werkstatt auf dem hart umkämpften Kunstmarkt in Amsterdam. Die Online-Vortragsreihe…
PUBL: Antwerp as a production center of paintings (1629-1719): A qualitative and quantitative analysis – by Koenraad Brosens & Inez De Prekel (Oud Holland, vol. 134, 2021, pp. 130-150)
Since the 1990s, there has been a steady interest in Antwerp as an early modern production and marketing center of paintings. However, an in-depth view of Antwerp’s supply side in the seventeenth century is…

Book Out Now: Peter Carpreau, The Value of Taste
The Value of Taste Auction Prices and the Evolution of Taste in Dutch and Flemish Golden Age Painting (1642–2011) by Peter Carpreau TIAMSA members receive a 25% discount and free shipping on the book…
Visit ‘The Birth of the Art Market’ exhibition in Hamburg with TIAMSA
The Birth of the Art Market. Rembrandt, Ruisdael, van Goyen and the artists of the Golden Age Die Geburt des Kunstmarktes. Rembrandt, Ruisdael, van Goyen und die Künstler des Goldenen Zeitalters Wednesday, 22….