CFP: Things on the Move – Materiality of Objects in Global and Imperial Trajectories, 1700–1900 (London, German Historical Institute, 8-10 Sept 2022)
An International Conference organized by the German Historical Institute London in Collaboration with the Prize Papers Project The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were defined by increased globalization, the growth of empires outside Europe, the emergence…
CFP: Opere in viaggio / Artworks on the move (Mantova, Istituti Santa Paola, 18-19 May 2022)
Scholars, at any stage of their career, are invited to submit their proposals for the conference “Opere in viaggio. Reimpieghi, collezionismo e nuove committenze a Mantova tra XVIII e XIX secolo” (Mantua, Istituti…
CONF: Eighteenth-century Persianate Albums Made in India (online, 15-17 Sep 2021)
Hybrid Workshop: Eighteenth-century Persianate Albums Made in India: Audiences – Artists – Patrons and CollectorsMuseum of Asian Art and Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin, Sep 15–17, 2021 The workshop will be held as…
CFP: Printmaking as Passe-Partout: Leveraging Skill and Knowledge in Artists’ Migration, 15th-18th Centuries (APS-sponsored RSA Panel, Dublin 30 Mar – 2 Apr 2022)
The RSA invites proposals for this panel at our 68th Annual Meeting in Dublin, Ireland on Wednesday, 30 March through Saturday, 2 April. Submission deadline: 26 July 2021
PUBL: Toby Barnard – Trading in art: Antonio Cesare di Poggi (1744–1836) (Burlington Magazine, vol. 163, June 2021)
With the help of his English wife, Hester, the Italian artist A.C. Poggi forged a career in London as a portrait painter, a retailer of fans, a dealer principally in drawings and a publisher of…
CONF: The Illustration of Art History and the Reproductive Print in the 18th and 19th Centuries / La storia dell’arte illustrata e la stampa di traduzione tra XVIII e XIX secolo (Online/Università di Chieti-Pescara, 10–11 Jun 2021)
«Un coup d’oeil sur l’objet ou sur sa représentation en dit plus qu’une page de discours». Così scrive Diderot nel 1751 nell’Encyclopédie, introducendo un concetto rivoluzionario nella metodologia storico-artistica, che dalla descrizione letteraria…
CFP: New Approaches to Piranesi: A Virtual Roundtable (Historians of Eighteenth-Century Art & Architecture / online, 16 July 2021)
We are seeking proposals for a virtual roundtable of lightning talks on interdisciplinary approaches to the works of Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-78). Application deadline: 16 June 2021
CFP: Networks and Practices of Connoisseurship in the Global Eighteenth Century (Hamburg, Warburg-Haus, 2-4 Jun 2022)
Call for papers for Networks and Practices of Connoisseurship in the Global Eighteenth Century Hamburg, 2-4 Jun 2022 A collaboration between faculty from the Art History Department at Universität Hamburg and the History,…
ANN: Collecting, Travel, and the Museum in the Long Eighteenth Century (Online/University of Buckingham, 25 Feb 2021)
The University of Buckingham’s Humanities Research Institute is hosting a Research Day on Collecting, Travel, and the Museum in the Long Eighteenth Century Online, 2.30 pm, 25 Feb 2021Please register via: