ANN: Webinar – Yamanaka & Co.: Early Pioneer of the Global Asian Art Trade (15 Apr 2021, 8:30 am–12 pm EDT)
The next webinar in the series Hidden Networks: Trade in Asian Art will take place on 15 April, with a focus on the Japanese art dealer, Yamanaka & Co. Yamanaka & Company was…
CFP: DISCOVERY | 19th-C. Studies Association Virtual Conference (11-13 Mar 2021)
DISCOVERYThe 42nd Annual Virtual ConferenceNineteenth Century Studies Association11-13 March, 2021 Proposal Deadline: 31 Oct 2020Website:
PUB – Article by Jan Dirk Baetens: ‘Artist-Dealer Agreements and the Nineteenth-Century Art Market: The Case of Gustave Coûteaux‘, in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Spring 2020, Vol. 19, Issue 1
The market for contemporary art in the second half of the nineteenth century was deeply affected by the introduction and widespread use of long-term contracts between artists and their dealers.
Visit ‘The Birth of the Art Market’ exhibition in Hamburg with TIAMSA
The Birth of the Art Market. Rembrandt, Ruisdael, van Goyen and the artists of the Golden Age Die Geburt des Kunstmarktes. Rembrandt, Ruisdael, van Goyen und die Künstler des Goldenen Zeitalters Wednesday, 22….
CFP: Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide – digital humanities
NCAW Terra-funded digital humanities publishing initiative Deadline: Jan 15, 2018 The peer-reviewed open-access journal Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (NCAW) is pleased to announce a new digital humanities publishing initiative supported by a grant from…

Book presentation and panel discussion (Berlin, 20 Sept, 17)
Panel discussion of the forthcoming research on the foundation of the Gemäldegalerie with Bénédicte Savoy, Neville Rowley, and Robert Skwirblies on the occasion of the new publication: Robert Skwirblies. Altitalienische Malerei als preußisches Kulturgut…
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