ANN: Highlights from the 7th Annual Conference of TIAMSA Multiple Art Markets in an Expanding World: Artists, Agents, Networks, Exchange (University of Melbourne, 10-13 July 2024)
TIAMSA would like to extend a warm thank you to all the participants, our convenors Dr Georgina S. Walker and Associate Professor Christopher R. Marshall, the University of Melbourne and Faculty of Arts…
CONF: 7th Annual Conference of The International Art Market Studies Association, The University of Melbourne, Australia (10th – 13th July 2024)
Multiple Art Markets in an Expanding World: Artists, Agents, Networks, Exchanges From 10 th – 13 th July 2024, the University of Melbourne will host the 7 th annual conference of TheInternational Art…
CFP: Backstage Sociability in the Book and Art Market, 17th-21st Centuries (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris – 29-30 Nov 2024)
Recent EU laws (such as the 2018 Fifth Directive and the 2019 Money Laundering Regulations) have seen European countries implement national laws on the transparency of transactions in cultural markets. This has put…
CFP: Markets and their Agents (Basel, 21-22 June, 18)
Arbeitskreis für spätmittelalterliche Wirtschaftsgeschichte 21.06.2018-22.06.2018 Hirschgässlein 21 4051 Basel Deadline: 04.04.2018 Markets and the agents who shaped and created them are the subject of the 6th annual conference of the research group on…
L: Johannes Nathan, The Art Market Dictionary, 8 Feb 2017, Paris, GREMA
Johannes Nathan (Nathan Fine Art / TU Berlin) : « The Art Market Dictionary – Reflections on the Mapping of a Complex Field » The Art Market Dictionary (AMD) is the first encompassing reference work on the art…
CFP: Old Masters Worldwide (apply by Feb 1, 2017)
A Worldwide Market for Old Masters between the Napoleonic Era and the Great Depression Edited by Susanna Avery-Quash and Barbara Pezzini Call for Book Chapters; Deadline: Feb 1, 2017 We are soliciting chapter…
CONF: The Art Market, Collectors and Agents: Then and Now, Part I, 13 July, London
London, The Warburg Institute, July 13, 2016 Studies of the art market have paid great attention to the rise of auctions and the subsequent opening of the art market. However, there was another,…