CONF: Marchands d’antiques à Paris au XIXe siècle – Journée d’études (INHA, Paris, 20 April 2022)
Au sein du marché des antiquités qui s’organise au XIXe siècle en Europe, les marchands ont joué un rôle central dans la circulation des œuvres comme dans la constitution des collections privées et…
CONF: The Art of the Dealer – Selling Antique Ceramics, 1850 to 2000 (French Porcelain Society / online 12-13 Jun 2021)
The French Porcelain Society is delighted to announce a two-day webinar on selling antique ceramics in the pre-digital age from 1850 to 2000. Please register by 12 June 2021
ANN: IAL Course – Law 101 for dealers in art and antiques (Online, 19 & 21 Apr 2021)
IAL is offering, in participation with the British Antiques Dealers Association (BADA), a course called ‘Law 101 for dealers in art and antiques’ to run in two parts on 19th and 21st April 2021.