JOB: Research roles (4) – MOOVA (Making old objects valuable again: the cultural, economic challenges, and sustainability opportunities of antiques in the 21st century); Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
In the scope of her ERC StG, Dr. Anne-Sophie Radermecker (ULB) is assembling a team of highly motivated researchers to work on the economy of antiques for the project, MOOVA (Making old objects…
ANN: Evening Lecture – Business as usual? Ostdeutsche Antiquitätenexporte auf dem westlichen Kunstmarkt, Forum Kunst und Markt/German Lost Art Foundation, introduction by Dr. Uwe Hartmann (Online, 13 Feb 2023; 18:15-19:45 CET)
In this evening Lecture in cooperation with the colloquium of the German Lost Art Foundation, Xenia Schiemann, M.A., Berlin, und Dr. Marlen Topp, München, talk about: Business as usual? Ostdeutsche Antiquitätenexporte auf dem…
ANN: Lectures at the Centre for Art Market Studies, TU Berlin (in English / German; Berlin, 16 Jan–13 Feb 2023)
In dieser Vortragsreihe werden aktuelle Forschungen zu den historischen und gegenwärtigen Spannungsfeldern und Dynamiken zwischen Kunsthandel, Kunstpolitik und institutionalisierter Kunstwelt präsentiert und zur Diskussion gestellt. Die Abendvorträge des Forums Kunst und Markt/Centre for…
ANN: IAL Course – Law 101 for dealers in art and antiques (Online, 19 & 21 Apr 2021)
IAL is offering, in participation with the British Antiques Dealers Association (BADA), a course called ‘Law 101 for dealers in art and antiques’ to run in two parts on 19th and 21st April 2021.
PUB: “The Tastemakers: British Dealers and the Anglo-Gallic Interior” by Diana Davis
The TastemakersBritish Dealers and the Anglo-Gallic Interior, 1785–1865By Diana DavisGetty Research Institute Departing from the conventional narrative of dealers as purveyors of antiquarianism, a new volume by Diana Davis repositions them instead as…