CONF: Journée d’études – Provenances archéologiques et marché des antiques à Paris au XIXe siècle (INHA Paris, 17 Apr 2023)
Au sein du marché des antiquités qui s’organise au XIXe siècle en Europe, les objets qui s’échangent sont pour une bonne part issus de fouilles archéologiques, plus ou moins licites, organisées dans des…
ANN: Evening Lecture – Business as usual? Ostdeutsche Antiquitätenexporte auf dem westlichen Kunstmarkt, Forum Kunst und Markt/German Lost Art Foundation, introduction by Dr. Uwe Hartmann (Online, 13 Feb 2023; 18:15-19:45 CET)
In this evening Lecture in cooperation with the colloquium of the German Lost Art Foundation, Xenia Schiemann, M.A., Berlin, und Dr. Marlen Topp, München, talk about: Business as usual? Ostdeutsche Antiquitätenexporte auf dem…
ANN: UNESCO Chair in Business Integrity and Crime Prevention in Art and Antiquities Market
The Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli is pleased to announce that its proposal for establishing the UNESCO Chair in Business Integrity and Crime Prevention in Art and Antiquities Market has been officially accepted. The…
CONF: Marchands d’antiques à Paris au XIXe siècle – Journée d’études (INHA, Paris, 20 April 2022)
Au sein du marché des antiquités qui s’organise au XIXe siècle en Europe, les marchands ont joué un rôle central dans la circulation des œuvres comme dans la constitution des collections privées et…
CONF: Buying Art and Antiquities in 18th Century Rome (UNED Madrid / online, 4 Nov-2 Dec 2021)
This conference is part of the results of the I+D+i project (PID2020-117326GB-I00), FAKE- La perdurabilidad del engaño: Falsificación de Antigüedades en la Roma del siglo XVIII, and the Ramón y Cajal research Project…
CONF: Local Art Trade – A Challenge for Provenance Research?! / Regionaler Kunsthandel – eine Herausforderung für die Provenienzforschung?! (online / Bomann-Museum Celle, 1 Mar 2021; in German)
Regionaler Kunsthandel – eine Herausforderung für die Provenienzforschung?! Online / Bomann-Museum Celle1. März 2021 Am 1. März 2021 veranstaltet das Bomann-Museum Celle von 10.00 bis ca. 17.00 Uhr eine digitale Tagung, bei der…
TIAMSA Member Discount: Antiquities in Motion. From Excavation Sites to Renaissance Collections by Barbara Furlotti
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TIAMSA Member News: CFP: Art and Cultural Heritage Spoliation in Time of Peace (College Art Association, Annual Conference (virtual), 10-13 February 2021, New York)
For several years now, the organised clandestine excavation and export of antiquities out of war torn Syria and Iraq to Europe and beyond has thrust the Western demand for such artefacts and the…
ANN: Online Seminar- Greater China Legal History Seminar Series “Collectors and Collections of Chinese Art and Antiquities: Problems with Gifts, Trusts and Legacies” by Prof. Steven Gallagher (3 Apr 2020)
Free online seminar by Professor Steven Gallagher, Faculty of Law, CUHK 12.30-2pm (local Hong Kong time), 3 April 2020 Free to Register: deadline: 5 pm, 2 April 2020