TIAMSA CONFERENCE 2018: Art for the People?
ART FOR THE PEOPLE? QUESTIONING THE DEMOCRATIZATION OF THE ART MARKET 2018 Conference of TIAMSA The International Art Market Studies Association – artmarketstudies.org Vienna, Thursday 27 Sept – Saturday 29 Sept 2018 TIAMSA…
CFP: Art for the People? Questioning the Democratization of the Art Market – Second TIAMSA Conference (Vienna, 27-29 Sept, 18)
Art for the People? Questioning the Democratization of the Art Market 2nd Conference TIAMSA – The International Art Market Studies Association Vienna, 27-29 September 2018 In Cooperation with: Belvedere Research Center, Vienna University…
EXH.: Cologne and its Journey towards an Arts Capital, Cologne (20 July – 22 Oct, 17)
Cologne and its Journey towards an Arts Capital – Between Protest and Progressivity in the 60s and 70s Opening on 20 July 2017, 6.00 p.m. Universität zu Köln Universität- und Stadtbibliothek Universitätsstr. 33…
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