EXH: The Path to Art. The Hamburg auction house Hauswedell & Nolte (Art Cologne, 7-10 Nov 2024 / ZADIK Cologne, until 28 Sep 2025)
The Hamburg auction house Hauswedell & Nolte closed its doors in 2015 and handed over its business records to ZADIK. They bear witness to the almost eighty-year history of the auction house, which…
ANN: Events of ZADIK at Art Cologne (Cologne, 16-17 Nov 2023)
16.–19.11.2023 | Halle 11.1, D19: Sonderschau auf der ART COLOGNE: Barbara Gross – Women Artists as Protagonists. Unter diesem Titel läuft die diesjährige Ausstellung des ZADIK auf der ART COLOGNE. Barbara Gross arbeitete…
ANN: 30 years of ZADIK – Highlights and Insights (Art Cologne, 16-20 Nov 2022)
11/16 – 20.11.2022 | ART COLOGNE, Hall 11.3, Stand A-028 Let’s zoom in: Spot on ZADIK : In the exhibition, (art) stories about exhibits from the ZADIK archives become visible: From Picasso’s “La Vie”, which is traded via…
ANN: Podium | “Women in the Art Market” – sustainably anchoring female empowerment
A panel coinciding with 30 years of ZADIK – Highlights and Insights at Art Cologne (16-20 Nov 2022) 19.11.2022 | 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Koelnmesse, Europasaal Panel guests: Anita Beckers (gallery owner, Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt/Main), Dr. Christiane…
TIAMSA News: EXH: Five Years of Avant-Garde: Helmut Rywelski’s ‘art intermedia’, Cologne 1967-1972 (ZADIK @ Art Cologne, 17-21 Nov 2021, Hall 11.1 / C-039)
This exhibition at the upcoming ART COLOGNE 2021, organized by the ZADIK – Zentralarchiv für deutsche und internationale Kunstmarktforschung (Central Archive for German and International Art Market Studies), will focus on the Cologne…
ANN: Panel discussion – Ist der Wandel (un)begrenzt? DIGITALISIERUNG im Kunstmarkt. Status Quo und Zukunftsaussichten (Art Cologne, 20 Nov 2021)
English version below. Ist der Wandel (un)begrenzt? DIGITALISIERUNG im Kunstmarkt. Status Quo und ZukunftsaussichtenPodiumsdiskussion auf der ART COLOGNE in Kooperation mit ZADIK – Zentralrchiv für deutsche und internationale Kunstmarktforschung, Universität zu Köln Das Thema der…

REV-CONF: The Art Fair – The 2017 TIAMSA Conference
This review is in German Sotheby’s Institute of Art London 12. – 15.07.2017 Bericht von Helene Bosecker, Berlin Die erste Konferenz der 2016 gegründeten International Art Market Studies Association (TIAMSA) widmete sich der historischen und…
EXH.: Cologne and its Journey towards an Arts Capital, Cologne (20 July – 22 Oct, 17)
Cologne and its Journey towards an Arts Capital – Between Protest and Progressivity in the 60s and 70s Opening on 20 July 2017, 6.00 p.m. Universität zu Köln Universität- und Stadtbibliothek Universitätsstr. 33…
Panel discussion: Cooperation & competition in the art market, 50 years Art Cologne, July 13, Cologne
To mark the 50th anniversary of Art Cologne the Institute of Art History of the University of Cologne and ZADIK (Zentralarchive des Internationalen Kunsthandels) are hosting a panel discussion on Cooperation and Competition…
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