ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Julie Verlaine, Nathalie Moureau, Léa Saint-Raymond, Alice Ensabella and Agnès Penot, Historie des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XIX siècle. (Online, 30 Jan 2025, 18:00 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its thirteenth book discussion: Histoire des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XXI siècle (Flammarion, 2024). The authors Julie Verlaine(University of Tours), Nathalie Moureau (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier),…
ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Julie Verlaine,Nathalie Moureau, Léa Saint-Raymond Alice Ensabella and Agnès Penot, Historie des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XIX siècle. (Online, 30 Jan 2025, 18:00 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its thirteenth book discussion: Histoire des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XXI siècle (Flammarion, 2024). The authors Julie Verlaine(University of Tours), Nathalie Moureau (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier),…
ANN: Now online – Dealing with art: Bloomsbury Art Markets live webinar and expert panel
Bloomsbury Digital Resources presents: Bloomsbury Art Markets’ inaugural webinar and expert panel hosting Véronique Chagnon-Burke, Anne Helmreich and Johannes Nathan. Re-watch this live recording of our hour-long programme consisting of 10-minute talks exploring:…
ANN: “Coexistence of Organisms and Communities”, Summer School at the Galerie 35m2 Collective (Prague, 20-22 July 2023)
The Galerie 35m2 collective announces an open call for the first edition of the Summer School with the subtitle “Coexistence of Organisms and Communities”. The event will take place from July 20 to…
ANN: Domestic Art Galleries – A Transnational and Post-Socialist Network (online, 21 Apr-5 May 2023)
This Speaker Series brings together artists, art historians, gallery owners, and cultural workers from Russia, China, Cuba, and Canada to discuss the past and current phenomenon of “domestic apartment galleries” in these countries….
CONF: The Julius Boehler Art Gallery: A Source and its Context (ZIKG Muenchen/online, 27 Apr 2022; in German, Round Table in English)
Die 1880 gegründete Münchner Kunsthandlung Julius Böhler war in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts eine der größten Kunsthandlungen des deutschsprachigen Raums mit internationaler Ausstrahlung. Seit 2015 befindet sich das Karteiensystem der Galerie im…
CFP: Women Entrepreneurs: Frauen behaupten sich im Kunstmarkt (ZADIK, Universität zu Köln, 22. Oct 2021)
Symposium: ZADIK, Universität zu Köln, 22. Oktober 2021 (online)Eingabeschluss: 30. Juni 2021 Veranstaltet vom Kunstmuseum Stuttgart im Rahmen der Ausstellung “zwischen system&intuition: KONKRETE KÜNSTLERINNEN” (26. Juni – 17. Oktober 2021) und dem ZADIK…
ANN: The Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC), an Initiative to facilitate a more sustainable art world
The Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC), an Initiative to facilitate a more sustainable art world The Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC) evolved out of a shared concern across the art world that not enough was…
CFP: Arts Special Issue “Global Art Market in the Aftermath of Covid-19” (2021)
Call for papers for Arts Special Issue “Global Art Market in the Aftermath of Covid-19” (2021) Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2021 According to “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Gallery Sector” survey…