CFP: Globalized Art Markets. Methodological and Theoretical Challenges of Interdisciplinary Art Market Research (Cologne, 28-28 Sep 2023)
Globalisierte Kunstmärkte. Methodische und theoretische Herausforderungen interdisziplinärer. Kunstmarktforschung Jahrestagung des AK Soziologie der Künste in Kooperation mit dem AK Soziologie des Be/Wertens in der DGS und dem ZADIK | Zentralarchiv für deutsche und…
JOB: Research Assistant – Art and Economies / Kunst und Oekonomien (University of Kassel, Germany)
(German version below)The University of Kassel is a modern and growing University with around 25.000 students. It has an extraordinarily wide section with expertise of nature, technique, culture and society. In the Department…
TIAMSA Member PUB: Dieter Dahlhoff – The Market for and the Marketing of Contemporary Art / Markt und Marketing der Contemporary Art (Uni Kassel / Springer 2021; in German)
Der Markt der Contemporary Art ist in Bewegung – vor und nach Corona. Ganz verschiedene Akteure sind im globalen, Kunstmarkt weltweit aktiv. Die Schätzungen des wertmäßigen Volumens liegen bei 60 bis 65 Milliarden Dollar. Davon…
TIAMSA Member News: Study about gender inequality in the Spanish art system, by Marta Pérez Ibáñez
Marta Pérez Ibáñez, PhD Art Historian, chair of the Spanish Institute of Contemporary Art and member of TIAMSA, has coordinated a research about the uneven gender balance in the Spanish art market and…
TIAMSA Member Announcement: Call for Participants
TIAMSA member Casie Kesterson is working on a project that seeks to make art research more efficient and is looking to speak with TIAMSA members briefly to learn about their “pain points” with…
TIAMSA Member Announcements: CFP: “Tools for the Future: Researching art market Practices from Past to Present”.
Workshop 6 – Financial Structures and Practices on the Art MarketUniversité Sorbonne Nouvelle & IESA Arts & Culture, Paris, 11-12 June 2021 The workshop, Financial Structures and Practices, is part of the International…
TIAMSA Blog: Cybercrime and the Art Market
by Charles Parker In recent years cybercrime has emerged as an ever-present threat to art market businesses. Thankfully, however, industry reports seem to suggest that those operating within the sector are starting to…
TIAMSA News: The Spanish Art Market after the Crisis (open access publication), ed. by TIAMSA Member Ana Vico Belmonte (Special Issue of: La Albolafia. Revista de Humanidades y Cultura, 2020, in Spanish)
La Albolafia Magazine, a Spanish publication focused on texts related to Humanities and Culture, has dedicated its latest issue entirely to the Art Market under the coordination of two professors from the Master…
CONF: TIAMSA’s Two Sessions at the CAA Conference, Chicago, 13 February 2020, 12:30pm-1:30pm / 2:00pm-3:30pm
Join TIAMSA for its upcoming sessions at the CAA Conference, Chicago, 13 February 2020, 12:30pm-1:30pm and 2:00pm-3:30pm!