ANN: A new course Art and Cultural Heritage Law
“We stand for an interdisciplinary and multi-jurisdictional approach.“ A new course Art and Cultural Heritage Law is now being offered at the Adam Mickiewicz University. The programme aims to provide a comprehensive overview…
ANN: Getty Scholars Program
The Getty Scholars Program supports innovative research about art, conceived in the broadest terms, and its histories, by providing a locus for international scholars to forge collaborations across disciplines and professional practices, while…
CFP: “Low End”: Exploring the Bottom of the Markets for Arts and Cultural Goods (Palgrave McMillan Series on Cultural Economics & the Creative Economy)
This book project, part of the Palgrave McMillan’s series on Cultural Economics & the Creative Economy (series editors Erwin Dekker, Andrej Srakar, Michael Rushton), will delve into the “lower ends” of the markets…
CONF: Infrastructures of Trading and Transferring Art since 1900 (Central European Research Inst. for Art History, Budapest, 27-28 June 2024)
What are the infrastructures behind the trade and transfer of artworks? On 26-28 June, KEMKI will organize a workshop on these often invisible infrastructures in cooperation with the University of Amsterdam and the…
CFP: Art, Money and Socialism – The Economies of East-European Visual Art During the Cold War (Campus Condorcet de l’EHESS, Paris – 4 Nov 2024)
Since the 2000s, when Piotr Piotrowski published his groundbreaking research, the study of fine art of the socialist countries of Eastern Europe has changed dramatically. An important thread was the research of the…
CONF: Digital Art Market Today
Digital Art Market Today Thursday, 13 June 2024 09:30 – 13:30 Kino Camera, Rebgasse 1, 4058 Basel 9:30-10:00
CFP: I Remember This (basis wien, Vienna, 7-8 Oct 24)
In 2004, ten more countries joined the EU, this large-scale expansion brought about a change on the political map that was expected to have a substantial impact on the political, social, economic and…
CONF: ‘Art Protection’ in World War I and the Historiographies of Art and Culture in the First Half of the 20th Century. Stakeholders – Networks – Concepts (Collegium Polonicum Słubice, 13-15 May 2024)
Wars spare neither civilians nor cultural values – on the contrary, both are often deliberately targeted and exposed to aggression. The destruction and looting of cultural assets, which are an integral part of…
CONF: Kunst & Recht 2024 / Art & Law 2024 (Universität Basel, 14 June 2024)
Bereits zum 13. Mal veranstaltet die Juristische Fakultät der Universität Basel die Tagung „Kunst & Recht / Art & Law“. Die Tagung ist eine Weiterbildungsveranstaltung der Juristischen Fakultät Basel, die unter dem Titel…