CFP: Artists on the Move (Online, 7-9 Mar 2024)
The twentieth century was marked by several significant migratory flows from the Russian Empire and its successor states, which resulted in many artists living and working abroad. These diverse artistic relocations were already…
CFP: Netherlandish Migrant Artists and the Emergence of Creativity in Late Seventeenth-Century London (Session at HNA 2024, London/Cambridge, 10-13 Jul 2024)
According to creativity expert Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, creativity is the result of a system combining three elements: “a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain and a…
JOB: Assistant Professor, Global Contemporary Art History, Fordham University, NY
The department of Art History and Music at Fordham University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the field of global contemporary art history, to begin in Fall 2023. We welcome…
CFP: Art Across the Iberian World. Connecting Spanish Italy and Latin America (University of Zurich, 6-8 Oct 2022)
For a long stretch of time, both Southern Italy—the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily—and Latin America were entangled in the same colonial system. Still, art historians have discussed these entanglements largely independently. This…
CFP: Close Encounters – Cross-Cultural Exchange between the Low Countries and Britain 1500-1800 (RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, The Hague, Sep 22, 2022)
The risks and challenges of migration are of compelling interest today. Over the last thirty years, research on early modern artists’ migration and on cultural exchange between the Low Countries and Britain has…
CFP: Revisiting Russian-speaking artistic (e)migration, 1900–1939 (LMU Munich/online, 7-8 Apr 2022)
The 20th century was marked by several significant migratory flows from the (former) Russian Empire, which resulted in many artists living and working abroad. These diverse relocations, subsumed under the term “Russian emigration”, were…
STIP: Getty Residential Grants, Los Angeles
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, California2022-23 Residential Grants and Fellowships Applications are available now online for the 2022/2023 Residential Grants and Fellowships at the Getty Research Institute in the following competitions: – Getty…

CFP: Stedelijk Studies 9: Modernism in Migration
Deadline: Feb 20, 2019 Stedelijk Studies 9 (Fall 2019): Modernism in Migration: Relocating Artists, Objects and Institutions, 1900–1960 THEME OUTLINEIn the production and reception of art, processes of migration play a crucial role….
Call for Papers: When All Roads Led to Paris, 19th Century
Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CR Conference: June 26 – 27, 2018Deadline: March 18, 2018When All Roads Led to Paris.Artistic Exchanges Between France and Central Europe in the 19th…