ANN: Botticelli and the Management of Demand – Lecture by Michelle O’Malley (NIKI Florence, 4 May 2023, 18:00 CEST)
*Event past; for information only The Director of the NIKI, Michael W. Kwakkelstein, has the pleasure to announce the lecture by Michelle O’Malley (The Warburg Institute, University of London / NIKI-scholar-in-residence), entitled “Botticelli…
CFP: Photographica, Issue 8: On the value(s) of photographs / Photographies et valeur(s): production, mécanismes, sources
De quoi parle-t-on lorsqu’il est question de la “valeur” des photographies ? À la manière de l’anthropologue David Graeber (1), il faudrait pouvoir faire une différence entre la valeur de la photographie comme…
EXH: Vom Wert der Kunst / About the Value of Art (Bündner Kunstmuseum – Chur, Switzerland; 14 Jan – 10 April 2023)
Record sums are paid for the icons of Modernism, young artists move up in no time to being high-income earners, while formerly celebrated artists are forgotten and their works lie dormant in depots…
CFP: Imagining Art Futures – Collection and Exhibition Strategies in the Gulf Region (Loughborough University, United Kingdom / online, 4-5 May 2023)
This two-day, international symposium examines recent developments in the art landscape of the Gulf countries. Debating conceptions of ‘Gulf Art’, ‘petro-culture’, and ‘Arab futurism’, we seek to test ideas and terminologies currently being…
ANN: The Hali Colloquium in Italy: Kerman Carpets of the Safavid Period (1501-1736); (Genoa, 10-11 Feb 2023)
This two-day colloquium In memory of Dr Alessandro Bruschettini, 1939-2021 in English language only will bring together experts in historical carpets, historians of art, and specialists from other disciplines to catalyze new research…
CFP: Ancient Egyptian Art Studies: Artists, Commissioners, Consumers (Special Issue of Arts)
This Special Issue of Arts will focus on ancient Egyptian Art as a dynamic. Artistic production is here envisioned as being in motion and taking part in a constant feedback loop of competing…
CFP: Reproductions (Histoire de l’art, n° 92)
« Il est du principe de l’œuvre d’art d’avoir toujours été reproductible. » Depuis cette célèbre assertion de Walter Benjamin, la question de la reproduction en art s’est considérablement actualisée. Bien loin de susciter une…
ANN: Data-Driven Art History: A Conversation (Online, 11 Nov 2022, 11am ET)
The Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art (AHNCA) invites you to attend the Virtual Salon “Data-Driven Art History: A Conversation” on Friday, November 11 at 11AM ET. This series of online events is…
CFP: Social Agency of Secular Goldsmiths’ Work in the Late MA (Leeds, 3-6 Jul 2023)
Wrought for a vast range of mundane practices and contexts, in an abundance of forms, styles, and techniques, European late medieval secular goldsmiths’ work remains an elusive category of artistic production. Perhaps deterred…