CFP: The Provenance of Asian Art: Symposium & Workshop (Washington, 1-4 Nov 2023)
Building on the momentum established by the webinar series Hidden Networks: The Trade of Asian Art (2020–2022), the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation’s Museum of Asian…
ANN: Collectionneurs, collecteurs et marchands d’art asiatique en France 1700-1939: une nouvelle base de données (Round Table, 12 Oct 2022, 18:00; INHA, Paris)
L’Institut national d’histoire de l’art a mené depuis 2017 un travail d’enquête pour repérer et mettre en valeur les fonds d’art asiatique sur le territoire. Cela a, entre autres, permis la constitution d’une…
ANN: Translocation of South Asian Art: Provenance and Documentation (Online; 6-7 Oct 2022)
The National Museum of Asian Art continues its series, Hidden Networks: Trade in Asian Art, with Translocation of Asian Art: Provenance and Documentation. Washington, DC: 9 a.m.–12 p.m. EDT dailyLondon: 2–5 p.m. BST…
CFP: Webinar “Hidden Networks: The Trade of Asian Art” series (National Museum of Asian Art, Online, 6-7 Oct 2022)
Proposals are invited for the fifth webinar in the series “Hidden Networks: The Trade of Asian Art,” a collaboration between the National Museum of Asian Art (Washington, DC) and the Museum für Asiatische…
CFP: Art and Resilience in Response to the Asian Crisis, 1997-1998 (special issue to be submitted to the Art Journal)
This Special Issue solicits papers that discuss national social and political responses to the Asian economic crisis of 1997/1998 in the context of art history and visual culture at large, including art and…
CFP: Asian Collections in Canadian Museums and Galleries from the Nineteenth Century to Today (Session at UAAC; online, 20-23 Oct 2021)
We invite paper proposals for this session at the 2021 UAAC-AAUC conference: Asian Collections in Canadian Museums and Galleries from the Nineteenth Century to Today UAAC; online, 20-23 Oct 2021 Deadline: 15 May…
ANN: Webinar – Yamanaka & Co.: Early Pioneer of the Global Asian Art Trade (15 Apr 2021, 8:30 am–12 pm EDT)
The next webinar in the series Hidden Networks: Trade in Asian Art will take place on 15 April, with a focus on the Japanese art dealer, Yamanaka & Co. Yamanaka & Company was…
ANN: Webinar – C.T. Loo Revisited (3 Dec 2020, 8:30 am PST)
C.T. Loo RevisitedNew Sources & Perspectives on the Market for Asian Art in the 20th CenturyWebinar Thursday 3 Dec 20208:30 am–12:00 pm (Washington, DC)2:30–6:00 pm (Berlin/Zurich)9:30 pm–1:00 am (Shanghai) C.T. Loo was one…
PUBL: The Singapore Freeport and the Narrative Economics that Frame the Southeast Asian Art Market (new article in ‘Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia’)
Art On/Offshore: The Singapore Freeport and the Narrative Economics that Frame the Southeast Asian Art Marketby (Kathleen Ditzig and Robin Lynch) A recently published article in ‘Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern…