CFP: Securities of Art. On the history of authentication between work, text and context (University of Oldenburg, 5-7 Dec 24)
The workshop “Securities of art. On the history of authentication between work, text and context” will examine artistically conceived authentications that have become constitutive for the status and value of artworks since the…
CFP: Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archaeology and Art
Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archaeology and Art is an international and independent journal based on a peer review system and dedicated to studying the methods of attribution and authentication of archaeological and…
PUBL: Jeremy Warren – From Florence to Paris: new evidence for Giovanni Bastianini and his work (Burlington Magazine, Mar 2021)
Jeremy Warren – From Florence to Paris: new evidence for Giovanni Bastianini and his work Burlington Magazine, March 2021
ANN: Old Masters – New Generation: Perspectives on the Future of Collecting. Three Panel Discussions (online / IEASA Paris, 1/2/3 Dec 2020, 6pm)
Old Masters – New Generation: Perspectives on the Future of Collecting. Three Panel Discussions (online / IEASA Paris, 1/2/3 Dec 2020, 6pm)
Artists’ Archives and Estates, Cultural Memories between Law and Market, (Milan, Nov 28-29)
Milan, Aula Magna dell’Università Milano Bicocca Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 21, I-20126 Milano Contact Managing, protecting and safeguarding the cultural and patrimonial legacy of an artist, especially if established or…