ANN: Seeking Instructor for Spring 2021 Art and Museum Law course
FIT is seeking an instructor for our Art and Museum Law course for Spring 2021. The class meets on Mondays from 9:10am-12pm. It is yet to be confirmed if the class will be…
CONF: Provenance and the Catalogue Raisonné (online: ICRA – 3 Dec 2020, 9.30am-5.30pm UK time)
Provenance and the Catalogue Raisonné Online: ICRA 3 Dec 2020 (9.30am-5.30pm UK time) The International Catalogue Raisonné Association’s (ICRA) second annual conference will be devoted to ‘Provenance and the Catalogue Raisonné’ and unites…
CFP: Authenticity Studies
Submissions are invited for ‘Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archaeology and Art’, an international and independent journal, based on a peer review system and dedicated to the study of the methods of attribution…
EXH: “Russian Avant-Garde at the Museum Ludwig: Original and Fake. Questions, Research, Explanations” (Museum Ludwig, Cologne, until 3 Jan 2021)
Russian Avant-Garde at the Museum Ludwig: Original and Fake. Questions, Research, Explanations” Museum Ludwig, Cologne, until 3 Jan 2021 After a long period in which it was taboo, an increasing number of museums…
ANN: Forum Kunst und Markt – Invitation to view our eEvening Lecture of 03 Aug 2020
The Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies cordially invites you to the Fokum eEvening Lecture of Prof. Dr. Nils Büttner, Stuttgart. Prof. Dr. Nils Büttner, StuttgartEin originaler Rubens? Von Expertise,…
ANN: Online Seminar- Greater China Legal History Seminar Series “Collectors and Collections of Chinese Art and Antiquities: Problems with Gifts, Trusts and Legacies” by Prof. Steven Gallagher (3 Apr 2020)
Free online seminar by Professor Steven Gallagher, Faculty of Law, CUHK 12.30-2pm (local Hong Kong time), 3 April 2020 Free to Register: deadline: 5 pm, 2 April 2020
CFP: Session at CAA, Art, Agency, and the Making of Identities (Los Angeles, 21-24 Feb 18)
Call for Papers Art, Agency, and the Making of Identities at a Global Level, 1600-2000 Session at CAA (Los Angeles, 21-24 Feb 18) 106th College Art Association Annual Conference Los Angeles, February 21 – 24,…
Artists’ Archives and Estates, Cultural Memories between Law and Market, (Milan, Nov 28-29)
Milan, Aula Magna dell’Università Milano Bicocca Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 21, I-20126 Milano Contact Managing, protecting and safeguarding the cultural and patrimonial legacy of an artist, especially if established or…