PUBL: Elisabeth Furtwängler & Mattes Lammert, (eds.): Kunst und Profit. Museen und der französische Kunstmarkt im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Elisabeth Furtwängler and Mattes Lammert (eds.): Kunst und Profit. Museen und der französische Kunstmarkt im Zweiten Weltkrieg, with a preface of Gilbert Lupfer and Bénédicte Savoy, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter,2022 (German/French). Art and Profit. Museums and…
CFP: Print Albums: From Artistic Collaboration to Geo-political Ramifications (ASECS – American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting, St. Louis, 9-11 Mar 2023)
We invite scholarship on the production, collaboration, dissemination, and the market of print albums and/or art books during the long 18th century, along with inquiries on theoretical frameworks that scholarship applies to understand…
ANN: Panel Discussion: Restitution & Book Discount (Lund Humphries & Sotheby’s Institute of Art / online, 22 Nov 2021, 5:30pm GMT)
Lund Humphries (art book publishers) cordially invites you to a forthcoming event on the topic of the restitution of cultural artefacts. This online panel discussion marks the launch of Alexander Herman’s new book (Restitution: The Return…
TIAMSA Member News – ANN: Book Workshop on Heritage & Debt: Art in Globalization with Professor David Joselit (Loughborough/Online, 26 Oct 2021, 14.15–17.00 BST)
Join us to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing contemporary creative practices, art markets, and museum cultures in a globalized world. Book Workshop on Heritage & Debt: Art in Globalization with…
PUBL: New Edition of the Autobiography of Berthe Weill / Nouvelle éditions des souvenirs de Berthe Weill: “PAN DANS L’OEIL…” (Editions de l’échelle de Jacob, 2021; in French)
Le XXe siècle n’a pas deux ans lorsque B. Weill inaugure en décembre 1901 sa première exposition 25, rue Victor-Massé au bas de Montmartre. Elle accueille tout ce que la peinture moderne compte aujourd’hui de grands noms…
ANN: The Market for Modernism (Metropolitan Museum of Art / online; 11 May 2021, 12–1:15 pm)
Between 1850 and 1950, when art collecting in France stalled due to the devastating effects of two world wars, revolution, currency devaluation, and economic uncertainty, it accelerated internationally, gaining interest from foreign collectors. Enterprising…
PUBL: New IAL Book – Lyndel Prott: Commentary on the 1995 UNIDROIT CONVENTION
The Institute of Art and Law announces the forthcoming publication of the second edition of Lyndel Prott’s Commentary on the 1995 “UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects: Return and Restitution in…
ANN: Summer School: Collection Spaces / Raeume des Sammelns (Weimar, 16-26 Aug 2021)
International Summer School – Collection SpacesRaeume des Sammelns, Weimar, 16-26 Aug 2021 The summer school combines seminars, lectures, and excursions with the possibility of independent research.Application Deadline/Anmeldeschluss: 31 Mar 2021
ANN: Lecture – Collecting Continuums: What Now | The Huntington (Online; 27 Jan 2021)
Collecting Continuums: What NowWed, 27 Jan 2021 | 4 p.m.–5:15 p.m PSTVia ZoomFree with reservation Join Huntington Library curators and members of the trade, library, and collecting communities for a panel discussion on individual and…