ANN: IAL Study Forum (Online, 6 Feb 2021)
Institute of Art & Law Study Forum Virtual event, 6 Feb 2021 We are pleased to announce our next Study Forum, which will be a virtual event, on 6 February 2021. Like our traditional…
CONF: Innovation and Change in a Responsible Art Market (Online, 29 Jan 2021)
Fifth Responsible Art Market Initiative (RAM) online conferenceInnovation and change in a Responsible Art MarketFriday, 29 Jan 2021, 1pm – 5 pm (CET)Followed by an interactive networking session Full program Available & Registration Open
UK 2020: Cultural Institutions, Art Market and Creative Industries under Threat
by Claudia S. Quiñones Vilá The UK has faced a plethora of problems this spring which have had a profound effect on the art market and on its culture industry in general. First,…
TIAMSA Blog: State of the UK Art Market 2016-2019: Are Brexit and Boris Johnson a Double Threat? By Claudia S. Quiñones Vilá
According to the 2019 Art Basel/UBS report, 2018 was the second highest-grossing year for the art market in the past decade, netting $67.4 billion in sales and a 6% growth.[i] Despite the upward…
DISCOUNT FOR TIAMSA MEMBERS: The Art Business Conference, April 4, 2017, New York
The Art Business Conference 2017 The one day conference, created for art galleries, dealers, art advisors, auctioneers, collectors and art market professionals aims to discuss key issues affecting the international art market. TICKETS US$ 275…
CFP: APPLY BY SEPT 7: Art Markets and Politics. State Control and Trade in Global Perspective
CFP: Art Markets and Politics. State Control and Trade in Global Perspective – Workshop 2016 Technische Universität Berlin, Main Building, Senate Room H 1035, November 4/5, 2016 Fifth international workshop of the Forum Kunst und…