CONF: ICRA Annual Conference, ‘On Paper’ (London, Royal Academy of Arts, 5 Dec 23)
The International Catalogue Raisonné Association (ICRA) is pleased to host its forthcoming Annual Conference, titled On Paper, at The Royal Academy London on 5 December 2023. The day-long conference will present unique perspectives…
JOB: Cataloguing Specialist, Wildenstein Plattner Institute (from Feb. 2022)
The WPI is looking for an experienced Cataloguing Specialist to join us starting February 2022. The position is primarily responsible for original and complex copy cataloguing of digitized print materials, including sales catalogues and exhibition catalogues,…

Now open: The Wildenstein Plattner Institute
Beginning this Thursday, September 7, 2017, the Wildenstein Plattner Institute, Inc., will begin accepting online requests for archival research, including requests for inclusion to the forthcoming digital catalogue raisonnés for the following artists: Jean…