ANN: Van Dyck, AI and Art History / Belgian Art Market Players 1933-1960 (Forum Kunst & Markt Lectures 2025, TU Berlin, 20 Jan / 10 Feb, 18:15-19:45 CET)
The Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin cordially invites you to two forthcoming lectures: 20 January 2025, 18:15-19:45 CET Nils Büttner, Stuttgart, and Carina Popovici, Zurich:Van…
ANN: Evening Lectures online (Centre for Art Market Studies / Forum Kunst und Markt, TU Berlin, 11 Nov / 5 Dec 2024 / 20 Jan / 10 Feb 2025)
In the Evening Lectures, current research on the present and historical areas of tension and dynamics between art (production), the art trade, art politics, art museums and art history – also including their…
ANN: Evening Lectures (Forum Kunst und Markt, TU Berlin / online – 10 June / 24 June / 8 July 2024)
The lecture series of the Centre for Art Market Studies is dedicated to interdisciplinary and inter-institutional research exchange on the dynamics and tensions between art trade, art politics and the institutionalised art world.
ANN: German Sales Primary Market (1871-1949). Ein digitales Pilotprojekt (Fokum Evening Lecture, Online, 29 Jan 2024,18:15-19:45 CET)
German Sales stellt bislang überwiegend digitalisierte Auktionskataloge bereit, Verkaufs- bzw. Lagerkataloge konnten nur in geringem Umfang berücksichtigt werden. Das von der DFG ab 2023 für zwei Jahre geförderte Kooperationsprojekt der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg und der Berlinischen Galerie German Sales Primary Market….
ANN: Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies – Lectures Winter Term 2023/2024
Date: 18/12/23, 18:15-19:45 CETMichael Trautmann, Stuttgart:“Asiatika im aktuellen Auktionshandel – ein Erfahrungsbericht”TU Berlin Zoom-Link: ONLINE EVENT // TU Berlin-Zoom
ANN: Podcast – “Echt oder Fake? Das Problem mit den Kunstfälschungen”
The Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin would like to invite you to this podcast on fakes, forgeries and the art market. Podcast – “Echt oder…
ANN: Eiserner Vorhang zwischen Ost und West? Kunsthandel zwischen der Kunst und Antiquitäten GmbH der DDR und dem Londoner Auktionshaus Christie’s, TU Berlin, 10 February 2020
The Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies cordially invites you to attend the upcoming lecture of Xenia Schiemann, M.A.
ANN: Kunst und Markt – Evening Lectures Winter Term 2019/2020, Technische Universität, Berlin
The lecture series of the Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies is dedicated to interdisciplinary and inter-institutional exchange for current research on the art market and its history. We…
ANN: Centre for Art Market Studies – Better than Gold? Art in Storage Spaces of the 21st Century, 17/06/2019, Berlin
Lecture on Monday, 17/06/2019 Dr. Christoph Rausch, Maastricht Better than Gold? Art in Storage Spaces of the 21st Century The lecture begins at 6:15 pm and is held in Room A 111, Architecture Building of…