JOB: PhD Position on Collecting Latin American Ethnography and Archaeology (Leiden University)
The Department of Heritage and Society Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, is looking for a PhD Candidate in the field of Collection History, Provenance Studies, and Digital Humanities to join a project funded…
ANN: Book Launch – Tastemakers, Collectors, and Patrons: Collecting American Art in the Long Nineteenth Century (31 Jan 2024, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. EST) via Zoom
Please join us for a virtual book launch ofTastemakers, Collectors, and Patrons: Collecting American Art in the Long Nineteenth Century
ANN: Missionary ‘Collecting’ in Colonial Contexts – Aspects of the Relationship between Mission and Colonialism (online / Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste, 20 Nov 2023, 18:00 CET)
Since the 15th century, Catholic and Protestant missionary movements contributed to the worldwide spread of Christianity. In many cases, the establishment of European colonial rule also relied on their support. Against the background…
CFP: 2nd Gustav Klimt Symposium (Villa Toscana – Gmunden, Austria, 23-24 Mar 2024)
The invitation to submit applications for participation in the 2nd Gustav Klimt Symposium is addressed to established national and international scholars in the field of cultural history research on Gustav Klimt and the…
ANN: Research Group “L’età delle Dispersioni. Collezionismo tra Italia ed Europa nell’età moderna”
Launch of the international research group’s platform “L’età delle Dispersioni. Collezionismo tra Italia ed Europa nell’età moderna”, where the results of the studies carried out and new initiatives are published. The focus of…
TIAMSA News: CFP: Hand and Glove – Art Market Studies and the History of Collecting
The Society for the History of Collecting and The International Art Market Studies Association are pleased to announce a joint session chaired by Blair Asbury Brooks (Graduate Center, CUNY) and Natasha Degen (FIT)…
CFP: Edited Volume: The Image of the Art Market. Just What Is It that Makes the Art Trade Look so Different, so Alarming?
This call is for a peer-reviewed, English-language edited volume on the image of the art market and its wide-ranging mediality. This book, edited by Meike Hopp, Johannes Nathan and Iñigo Salto Santamaría, and…
CFP: Accident or Strategy. The Collecting of Drawings in 16th and 17th Century Italy (Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana, 10-12 May 23)
With the overriding question of whether collectors purchased strategically or amassed drawings by accident, the Gernsheim Study Days at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in May 2023 hope to examine the full breadth of this…
TIAMSA Member News: Publication – “Diálogos de colecionar: [22] Colecionadores de arte em Portugal” by Adelaide Duarte
This book brings together 22 interviews with Portuguese private collectors, carried out between 2013 and 2019. Coordinated by Adelaide Duarte, a TIAMSA member and a specialist in contemporary collecting, this project was developed…