PUB: The Social World of Galleries Contemporary Art, the Market and Internationalization by Alain Quemin, Translated by Keara Engelhardt (Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 2024, 480 p.)
Abstract: This book presents the first detailed study of the place of contemporary art galleries and gallerists, especially within the art markets of Europe and the United States. Based on the author’s field…
JOB: Professor in contemporary art history and theory from a global perspective (Universiteit Leiden)
The candidate will strengthen LUCAS’ research profile and will help develop our Institute and its collaborations further, both nationally and internationally. The candidate has experience in working in a versatile and multidisciplinary research…
CONF: Der Brand im Münchner Glaspalast 1931. Folgen und Narrative des Verlusts (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München / online – 24 July 2024)
Der Brand im Glaspalast München am 6. Juni 1931 zerstörte nicht nur rund 3.000 Kunstwerke, er war in mehrfacher Hinsicht folgenreich: Für die zeitgenössischen Künstlerinnen und Künstler, deren Arbeiten vernichtet wurden, für die…
CFP: Small Forms in Circulation: Infrastructures, Practices, Publics (Humboldt Universität Berlin, 28-30 Nov 2024)
Small textual and material forms seem particularly adept at circulating within and between different publics. This conference investigates how the movement of brief, compressed, and otherwise small forms ranging from early modern pamphlets…