ANN: CAS Werkzuschreibung und Provenienzrecherche interdisziplinär (Study Course, Fachhochschule Bern, Switzerland 2023-2024)
Professionalisierung im multidisziplinären Team: Erweitern Sie Ihre Vorkenntnisse und Fähigkeiten und kombinieren Sie diese nutzbringend mit jenen anderer Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten. Empfohlen von ICOM Schweiz – Internationaler Museumsrat Der Studiengang: • richtet sich…
ANN: Nazi-Era Art Provenance Research Hybrid Training Program (Center for Art Collection Ethics, University of Denver, Colorado / online, 18–23 Jun 2023)
The Center for Art Collection Ethics (ACE) at the University of Denver (DU) is pleased to announce a hybrid training program on the fundamentals of Nazi-era art provenance research, June 18–23, 2023. In…
ANN: Call for Applications: Comprehensive Appraisal Studies Program
The AIA is now accepting applications for the Comprehensive Appraisal Studies Program (CASP). There are two options for enrollment: Summer 2023, a one-month in-person intensive taking place in July, and Fall 2023/Spring 2024,…
ANN: Executive Master in Art Market Studies UZH Accepting Applications for Fall 2023
The University of Zurich’s Executive Master in Art Market Studies offers an independent and rigorous program, designed by leading professionals and academics to meet the current challenges of the art market. The application process…
ANN: British Furniture Making and the Globalised Trade (online, 2-30 Nov 2022)
BIFMO (British and Irish Furniture Makers Online), as part of the Furniture History Society, is offering an online course on Zoom to examine how methods and ideas about furniture making have been transmitted…
ANN: CAS/Minor Werkzuschreibung und Provenienzrecherche interdisziplinär (Study Course, Fachhochschule Bern, Switzerland 2022-2023)
Professionalisierung im multidisziplinären Team: Erweitern Sie Ihre Vorkenntnisse und Fähigkeiten und kombinieren Sie diese nutzbringend mit jenen anderer Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten. Anmeldefrist 15. Sep 2022
ANN: Institute of Art & Law – Diploma in Law and Collections Management October 2022 (London, 10-14 October 2022)
The IAL is happy to announce that the next Diploma in Law and Collections Management course will take place in person for the first time in three years, running from 10th to 14th October 2022. As in the past,…
ANN: Invitations open for Appraisers Association of America Study Program
Applications are open for the Fall ’22/Spring ’23 two-semester Comprehensive Appraisal Studies Program. CASP provides students with the skills to objectively and critically evaluate fine and decorative arts according to the highest standards…
ANN: Institute of Art and Law Diploma in Intellectual Property and Collections 2022 (13-15 June 2022)
The Institute of Art and Law (IAL) will run its Diploma in Intellectual Property and Collections online from 13th to 15th June. This course helps to to better understand the world of copyright, moral rights, fair…