CFP: Where Computer Vision Meets Art (Munich, 8-14 Sep 18)
VISART IV “Where Computer Vision Meets Art” 4th Workshop on Computer VISion for ART Analysis In conjunction with the 2018 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Cultural Center (Kulturzentrum Gasteig), Munich, Germany Munich,…
CFP: Workshop: Scientific Instruments in researching Collections and Objects (Goettingen, 28-29 Sep 17)
Call for Papers Junges Forum für Sammlungs- und Objektforschung Research Forum for Collections and Objects – Workshop for PhD Candidates 28. bis 29. September 2017 The aim of this workshop – the second…
FOKUM Evening lectures (April-July 2017)
FOKUM – LECTURES ON MONDAY 6.15pm open even Raum A 111 Architekturgebäude der TU Straße des 17. Juni 150/152 D-10623 Berlin 24/04/2017 – Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael North, Greifswald Republiken, Kunstproduktion und -markt…