CONF: The Commerce and Circulation of the Decorative Arts – The role played by auctions, dealers, collectors, and museums, 1792-1914 (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon – 25-27 Sept 2024)
This international three-day colloquium investigates the role played by auctions, dealers, collectors, and museums in the circulation of the decorative arts from 1792 until 1914. Beginning with the ‘ventes des biens des émigrés’…
CFP: Researching Art Markets past & present: Tools for the future (RAM-T), International Workshop #9,Eventful Art Markets, School of Culture & Creative Arts, University of Glasgow, UK (23-24 Oct 2024)
Thinking Culture at the University of Glasgow will host the international workshop “Eventful Art Markets” on 23-24 October 2024, the ninth in the International Workshops Series Researching Art Markets past & present: Tools…
PUBL: Bloomsbury Art Markets – Content Update with almost 1000 additional entries on art galleries, dealers, fairs and auction houses
Bloomsbury Publishing is pleased to announce the most recent content update for Bloomsbury Art Markets – Protagonists, Networks, Provenances. The latest update expands this ground-breaking scholarly hub for art trade research with over…
TIAMSA Blog: An Insight into the French Print Market
by Luc Bertrand Andy Warhol’s Dollar Sign Serigraph. Credit: Photographer unidentified. Continuing the examination of the print market, I turn to the print dealers in France following the previous blog Overview of the…
CFP: The Commerce & Circulation of Decorative Arts 1792-1914: Auctions, Dealers, Collectors and Museums (Lyon, LARHRA – 25-27 Sep 2024)
This international three-day colloquium, to be held in Lyon, France, from 25 to 27 September 2024, will investigate the role played by auctions, dealers, collectors, and museums in the circulation of the decorative…
ANN: Release of digitized papers of Michel and Irma van Gelder, dealers and collectors (Wildenstein Plattner Institute, online)
The WPI has announced the release of the Michel and Irma van Gelder Papers, a collection of Art Collection and Personal Business records that document the history of the van Gelder collection and…
ANN: Free Institutional Trial for “Bloomsbury Art Markets. Protagonists, Networks, Provenances“
“Bloomsbury Art Markets. Protagonists, Networks, Provenances” has launched as an online database in March. Initiated by Johannes Nathan (TIAMSA Co-Chair 2016-2022), it is the first resource to provide comprehensive information on thousands of…
CFP: London’s Art Networks and Marcel Broodthaers in the 1970s (Chelsea College of Arts, London, 23 Jun 2023)
At the end of the 1960s British artists related to conceptual art – some directly, such as Art & Language, others by association, such as Gilbert & George and Richard Long – all…
ANN: Collectionneurs, collecteurs et marchands d’art asiatique en France 1700-1939: une nouvelle base de données (Round Table, 12 Oct 2022, 18:00; INHA, Paris)
L’Institut national d’histoire de l’art a mené depuis 2017 un travail d’enquête pour repérer et mettre en valeur les fonds d’art asiatique sur le territoire. Cela a, entre autres, permis la constitution d’une…