CFP: Exploring Methodological Approaches in Art Market Studies (TIAMSA Business Meeting, 113th CAA Annual Conference)
The art market study is transforming in the digital age, presenting opportunities and challengesfor researchers. This panel aims to delve into methodological approaches within art marketstudies, focusing on handling missing data in the…
CFP: Exploring Methodological Approaches in Art Market Studies (TIAMSA Business Meeting, 113th CAA Annual Conference)
The art market study is transforming in the digital age, presenting opportunities and challengesfor researchers. This panel aims to delve into methodological approaches within art marketstudies, focusing on handling missing data in the…
TIAMSA Member News: “NFTs – Just another Art Market Bubble?”, AfterWorkTalk at GSK Berlin, June 29, 7pm CET
Non-fungible token oder schlicht NFTs sind in aller Munde, nicht zuletzt deswegen, weil für sie mittlerweile mehrere Millionen Dollar ausgegeben werden und für sie innerhalb nur weniger Jahre ein Milliardenmarkt entstanden ist.
CONF: “Virtual Exhibitions: From real life into the world of art. Typologies, Experiences and Narratives” (online/Centre Pompidou Málaga, 10 June 2021)
Since 2016, researchers of the project I+D+i ART-ES. Appropriations and hybridizations between the visual arts and the performing arts have been working on a virtual exhibition focusing on the hybridization of the arts in…
ANN: Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation / InTaVia H2020 (online / Danube University Krems, 10–18 Mar 2021)
Invitation to Innovation Workshop Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation / InTaVia H2020 Online / Danube University Krems, Mar 10–18, 2021 InTaVia is a H2020 research and innovation action funded by the…
ANN: Roundtable: Collecting and Distributing Video Art / Videokunst sammeln und distribuieren (Kunstmuseum Bonn / online, 4 Mar 21, 18:00; in German)
Collecting and Distributing Video Art / Videokunst sammeln und distribuieren Kunstmuseum Bonn / online, 4 Mar 2021, 18:00; in German Im Kontext der VIDEONALE.18 – Fluid States. Solid Matter gehen Vertreter*innen ihres Fachs…
CONF: New Media Art Archiving, ISEA2020 – Montreal, online (16 Oct 20)
Open Summit on New Media Art Archiving, ISEA2020 (16 Oct 20)Montreal, online, 16 October 2020. Commencing soon: 1pm Montreal / 6pm London / 7pm Vienna / 1am (tues) HK / 4am (tues) Melbourne…
CONF: Aspekte des Rechts im Kontext neuer Kunst (Wien, 14 Nov 18)
Kunstrechtstag 2018 Aspekte des Rechts im Kontext neuer Kunst Hofburg Wien, Heldenplatz, 14.11.2018 Registration deadline: Nov 13, 2018 Eintritt frei / Anmeldung erforderlich unter Art & Antique – Hofburg Wien PROGRAMM 11:00…
CFP: Rethinking Affordance, special issue: Media Theory (Stuttgart, 8-9 Jun 18)
Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart Deadline: Jan 29, 2018 Responding to the continued and accelerating rise of algorithmic culture, this journal special issue and corresponding symposium will explore critical intersections between creative practice and…