ANN: Launch of the Digital Benin Database
A central tool of Digital Benin, the catalogue forms one of two digital spaces on the platform where the dispersed Benin objects are re-assembled. Object data from 131 institutions across twenty countries that currently…
ANN: Presentation of the Project “Digital Benin” (in English), (DZK & CARMAH / online, 11 Oct 2021, 6pm CEST)
Digital Benin ( will digitally unite the globally dispersed works of art from the Kingdom of Benin and as an unparalleled forum of knowledge, it will bring together object data and related documentation…
JOB: Research Assistant for the Online Platform “Digital Benin“ (Museum am Rothenbaum, Hamburg)
Im Rahmen des durch die Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung finanzierten Projektes „Digital Benin. Zusammenführung der königlichen Kunstschätze“ eröffnete das MARKK ein internationales Projektbüro zur digitalen Zusammenführung der weltweit zerstreuten Kunstwerke aus dem ehemaligen Königreich…
JOB: Full-time Research Database Coordinator / Full-time Research and Data Engineer for the DIGITAL BENIN Online Platform
With the support of the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung, the Museum am Rothenbaum (MARKK) in Hamburg is opening an international project office to digitally network the globally dispersed works of art from the former Kingdom…