ANN: Tricks of the Trade: Duveen Brothers and the Market for the Decorative Arts, 1880–1940 – Lecture by Charlotte Vignon (Getty Center / online, 5 May 2022, 12-1pm PST)
Drawing from her publication, Duveen Brothers and the Market for Decorative Arts, 1880–1940 (2019), curator and professor Charlotte Vignon discusses the commercial strategies and the relationships with preeminent collectors, including J. P. Morgan, that led this…
CFP: Old Masters Worldwide (apply by Feb 1, 2017)
A Worldwide Market for Old Masters between the Napoleonic Era and the Great Depression Edited by Susanna Avery-Quash and Barbara Pezzini Call for Book Chapters; Deadline: Feb 1, 2017 We are soliciting chapter…