PUB: The Social World of Galleries Contemporary Art, the Market and Internationalization by Alain Quemin, Translated by Keara Engelhardt (Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 2024, 480 p.)
Abstract: This book presents the first detailed study of the place of contemporary art galleries and gallerists, especially within the art markets of Europe and the United States. Based on the author’s field…
CFP: Gallerie private d’arte a Roma, 1942-1960. Esposizioni, mercato, collezionismo (Sapienza, Rome, 24-25 Feb 25)
Il convegno si propone di indagare la storia delle gallerie private d’arte a Roma attive tra il 1942 e il 1960. L’arco cronologico prende le mosse dal 1942, quando l’apertura di alcuni spazi…
CONF: De la galerie au musée. Histoires de collections de marchands d’art (DFK Paris, 8 Oct 2024)
En écho à celle de Paul Guillaume, dont la collection constitue le coeur du musée de l’Orangerie, la trajectoire parisienne du marchand allemand Heinz Berggruen invite à se pencher sur les collections de…
ANN: Emerging from the Shadows – The Curious History of a Forgotten Painting by Nicolas Poussin. Lecture by Prof. dr. Jelena Todorović (Collecting & Display / online – 19 Feb 2024, 18:00 GMT)
When Nicolas Poussin created the sensual image inspired by the myth of Venus and Adonis in 1627/28, he produced it in several identical replicas, of which three have been recognised by European scholarship….
BOOK OUT NOW: Julie Verlaine, Daniel Templon : une histoire d’art contemporain, Flammarion 2016
BOOK OUT NOW: Julie Verlaine, Daniel Templon : une histoire d’art contemporain, Flammarion 2016. 413pp, 200 ill., 35,00 €. French version below When Daniel Templon opened his gallery in 1966, the art trade of the late 19th…
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