CONF: Art and Diplomacy (TU Berlin, 10 Oct 2024)
Since the 19th century, the interplay between art and diplomacy has been complex and multifaceted. From circulating objects that mediate political identities to diverse actors in diplomatic roles, and the transformation of spaces…
CONF: Entangled Art Histories between Germany and the United States, 1960-1990: Production, Diffusion, Reception (9-11 Nov, WIELS, Brussels)
While documenta 2 in 1959 allowed the German public to discover Abstract Expressionism as a specifically American art movement, it was not until the early 1960s that a sustained and intense transatlantic dialogue…
CFP: Entangled Art Histories between Germany and the United States, 1960-1990: Production, Diffusion, Reception (Wiels – Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels, 9–11 Nov 2023)
This conference suggests to explore the complex relationships, interactions and collaborations that took place between the German and North American art scenes in the period from the 1960s to the 1980s. While documenta…
JOB: Projektkoordinator:in “Provenienzforschung und Informationswissenschaft” (Freunde und Förderer des Leo Baeck Instituts e.V., Berlin)
Wir suchen eine:n Projektkoordinator:in mit Erfahrung in der Provenienzforschung und Informationswissenschaft, der:die in der Lage ist, ein internationales Ausstellungsprojekt (online & onsite) zu betreuen, konzeptionell zu begleiten und seine Durchführung zu koordinieren. Der…
CONF: Carried Away! Research into the Provenance of Museum Objects from the ‘Boxer War’ (Humboldt Forum, Berlin, 2-3 Mar 2023)
On 2 and 3 March 2023, a workshop will be held at the Humboldt Forum on the provenance research conducted as part of the collaborative project Traces of the ‘Boxer War’ in German…
CFP: Art and Diplomacy. Actors of Cultural Affairs and their Archival Sources in Berlin and Paris (Berlin, Technische Universität, 20-22 March 2023 / Paris, INHA, 26-28 April 2023 / Berlin, Technische Universität, Spring 2024)
Since the 19th century, diplomatic actors have been involved not only in the management of cultural policies abroad, but also in the transnational circulation of artworks. Purchases, donations and loans often passed bureaucratically…
CONF: Bilderwirtschaft: Fotografie als Ware und Material der Kunstgeschichte um 1900 (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Muenchen / online, 2 Nov 2022)
Ziel des Workshops ist es, das Verhältnis von Fotografie, Kunstgeschichte und ökonomischen Aspekten einer neuen “Bilderwirtschaft” um 1900 ausgehend von den Kunstreproduktionen des in der Photothek des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte verwahrten ‚Bildarchivs Bruckmann‘…
CFP: Max Liebermann and Italy in the context of German-Italian artistic exchange from the 1860s to the 1930s (Liebermann Villa, Berlin & Casa di Goethe, Rome, Spring 2023)
As the leading museum and centre of research on Max Liebermann (1847-1935) the Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee is planning an exhibition project “Max Liebermann and Italy” (WT) for 2024. This project, carried out in collaboration…
TIAMSA Member News:„Das Privatmuseum im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankreich und Deutschland im Vergleich“ – Deutsch-Franzoesischer Studienkurs 22/23 (DFK Paris/Sueddeutschland, 5-7 Sep 2022 / 6-8 Mar 2023)
[texte français ci-dessous] Im Frühjahr 2021 eröffnete in der Bourse de Commerce in Paris eine neue Ausstellungsinstitution, für die der Unternehmer und Kunstsammler François Pinault das historische Gebäude der ehemaligen Handelsbörse von Tadao…