CONF: Artists’ colonies in the world / The world in artists’ colonies (Online / The University of Melbourne, 28-30 Nov 2022)
Models for writing art history range between globalised studies, national, regional or local histories, and the enduring individual monograph. None of these fully accommodate the artists’ colony. Colonies historically attract artists from elsewhere,…
CFP: Call for sessions for AAH conference (UCL London, 12-14 April 2023)
The Association for Art History’s Annual Conference brings together international research and critical debate about art history and visual culture. A key annual event, the conference is an opportunity to keep up to date…
CFP: Internationaler Expressionismus – gestern und heute (Expressionismus 17/2023, ed. by Kristin Eichhorn and Johannes S. Lorenzen)
Der Expressionismus scheint als Bewegung uneingeschränkt mit Deutschland verbunden zu sein, sowohl in Hinblick auf Topoi der Malerei und Kunst als auch hinsichtlich ästhetischer Konventionen literarischer Werke. Auch in Bezug auf traditionelle und…
CONF: Pioneers of African Contemporary Art / Pionniers de l’art africain contemporain (INHA, Paris, 11&12 April 2022)
At the invitation of the National Institute of Art History, Riason Naidoo offers a meeting dedicated to the pioneering figures of contemporary African art. Designed as conversations with multiple voices, this symposium will…
CFP: Art and Resilience in Response to the Asian Crisis, 1997-1998 (special issue to be submitted to the Art Journal)
This Special Issue solicits papers that discuss national social and political responses to the Asian economic crisis of 1997/1998 in the context of art history and visual culture at large, including art and…
CFP: The Rise (and Rise) of the Digital Art Market (London, Apr 2022)
The Rise (and Rise) of the Digital Art MarketSession at AAH Conference, April 2022 Please contact Martin Postle, Paul Mellon Centre by 12 Nov for full abstract: 30 Nov 2021
JOB: Full-Time Faculty/ Latin American and/or Caribbean Art History, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York
The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), an internationally renowned college of art and design, business and technology, of the State University of New York, invites nominations and applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty…
CONF: Impressionism Around the World (Philadelphia, 12-14 Apr 19)
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, April 12 – 14, 2019 “IMPRESSIONISM AROUND THE WORLD”10TH ANNUAL ANNE d’HARNONCOURT SYMPOSIUM 2019 Philadelphia Museum of Art, Perelman Auditorium organized by André Dombrowski (University of Pennsylvania), Kathleen…