JOB: Assistant Professor, Global Contemporary Art History, Fordham University, NY
The department of Art History and Music at Fordham University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the field of global contemporary art history, to begin in Fall 2023. We welcome…
CFP: Rethinking Contemporary Latin American Art (Arts Special Issue)
Guest Editors: Lesley A. Wolff (Texas Tech University); Gabriela Germana (University of South Florida) As today’s fleeting spectacles of art fairs, biennials, and NFTs increasingly shape a global consensus of contemporary Latin American…
CFP: Modern and Contemporary Art History, Berlin Graduate Symposium for Modern and Contemporary Art History (online / Free University & Humboldt University, Berlin, 12-13 Nov 2021)
In the fall semester 2021, the Berlin Graduate Symposium for Modern and Contemporary Art History will take place for the third time as an event jointly organized by the department of Modern and…
JOB: Professor in Contemporary Art History, Leiden University
Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), is looking for a professor in contemporary art history and theory from a global perspective. Professor in Contemporary Art…
CONF: Global Working Worlds in Contemporary Art / Globale Arbeitswelten in der zeitgenoessischen Kunst (in German; online / Ruhr Univ. Bochum, 22 Jan 2021)
Global Working Worlds in Contemporary Art / Globale Arbeitswelten in der zeitgenoessischen Kunst (in German; online, 22 Jan 2021)online / Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut, 22.01.2021 Anmeldeschluss: 20.01.2021
CONF: ANOTHER ARTWORLD Manifestations and Conditions of Equity in Visual Arts (online / University of Arts, Belgrade, 3-4 Dec 2020)
ANOTHER ARTWORLD Manifestations and Conditions of Equity in Visual Arts International Scientific Conference,UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and ManagementUniversity of Arts BelgradeOnline 3-4 Dec 2020 Please see full programme.
PUBL: Artprice Report – 20 Years of Contemporary Art Auction History, 2000-2020
Artprice Report – 20 Years of Contemporary Art Auction History, 2000-2020 Artprice presents an exclusive report which traces the evolution of the contemporary art market over 20 years. It reflects a multitude of sociological,…
CFP: Another Artworld: Manifestations and Conditions of Equity in Visual Arts (Belgrade, 3-4 Dec 2020)
Another Artworld: Manifestations and Conditions of Equity in Visual Arts University of Arts Belgrade & Cvijeta Zuzoric Art PavilionDeadline: 10 Oct
JOB: Lecturer: Contemporary art outside Europe/North America, University of Amsterdam
The University of Amsterdam is seeking a Lecturer with a focus on ‘Modern and Contemporary Art History’ for the following program: Contemporary art as practiced, theorized and received in regions outside Europe and…