ANN: 5 Reisestipendien zur Art Basel 2024 (Junger Freundeskreis der Kulturstiftung der Länder)
Der Junge Freundeskreis der Kulturstiftung der Länder möchte Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistorikern, die am Beginn ihrer Laufbahn stehen, vom 11. bis 13. Juni 2024 die Möglichkeit eines Besuches der Art Basel bieten und schreibt…
ANN: Three Grants for Nazi-Era Provenance Research (Christie’s)
Christie’s is delighted to announce the 2023 Christie’s Grant for Nazi-Era Provenance Research. The Grant, to be offered to three recipients (£5,000 each), will fund forward-thinking academic, post-graduate research into subjects related to…
ANN: Malevich Society 2020 grant applications
The Malevich Society is pleased to announce its call for 2020 grant applications.Deadline: 30 September 2020 Based in New York, the Malevich Society is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the knowledge about…
STIP: Research Grant DFK/INHA: Art market in France during the Occupation
ParisApplication deadline: Nov 5, 2019 The Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) and the German Center for Art History Paris (DFK Paris) award a one-year grant for a research project on the art…
ANN: 2020 Getty Library Research Grants now available online
The application deadline is October 15, 2019. Getty Library Research Grants provide partial, short-term support to researchers of all nationalities whose projects demonstrate a compelling need to use Getty Research Institute materials, and…
ANN: Institut Giacometti Grants 2019, Paris
Deadline: Sep 2, 2019 The Institut Giacometti in Paris offers a programme of research into the history of modern art: the École des Modernités (School of Modernities). The aim of this programme is…