ANN: Unpacking Provenance: Retracing the Histories of Asian Art #1:Chinese Porcelain Cup (Jan 22, 12-1 pm EDT/ 6-7 pm CET)
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz’s Museum für Asiatische Kunst and Zentralarchiv (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), are thrilled to announce a new webinar series: Unpacking Provenance: Retracing the Histories…
CONF: Securities of Art: On the history of authentication between work, text and context (Haus für Medienkunst / Universität Oldenburg, 5-6 Dec 2024)
The workshop “Securities of art. On the history of authentication between work, text and context” will examine artistically conceived authentications that have become constitutive for the status and value of artworks since the…
CFP: “Degenerate” Art. A French/German Cross-History (Musée national Picasso-Paris / INHA / Musée d’art et d’histoire du judaïsme / DFK – 27-28 March 2025)
In conjunction with the exhibition ““Degenerate” Art. Le procès de l’art moderne sous le nazisme” on view at the Musée national Picasso-Paris from February 18 to May 25, 2025, and the Répertoire des…
CONF: De la galerie au musée. Histoires de collections de marchands d’art (DFK Paris, 8 Oct 2024)
En écho à celle de Paul Guillaume, dont la collection constitue le coeur du musée de l’Orangerie, la trajectoire parisienne du marchand allemand Heinz Berggruen invite à se pencher sur les collections de…
ANN: Alma Rosé Prize for research into the history of those persecuted under National Socialism and the history of their material losses and seizures
The Alma Rosé Prize is endowed with 1,000 euros and is awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in the first phase of studies (such as diploma and master’s theses). Up to three prizes are…
CFP: Wax-resin lining: history, effects on paintings, consequences for conservation (University of Amsterdam)
The Amsterdam Wax-Resin Project (AWRP) at the department Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is preparing a publication on wax-resin lining. Authors are invited to submit an…
CFP: Early women curators and the making of institutional collections, 1890s-1970s (Edited Volume)
Between the 1890s-1970s, women began accessing decision-making roles in museums worldwide. This edited volume proposes a transnational exploration of both the contributions and the challenges of pioneering female curators regarding museum practice, collection-making,…
CONF: Le catalogue d’exposition : un objet dans l’histoire (Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Centre Pompidou, Paris – 23 April 2024)
« Le catalogue d’exposition : un objet dans l’histoire », pose la question de l’historicité de l’ouvrage. Il ne s’agit pas ici de proposer une histoire exhaustive et continue de la forme du…
ANN: Emerging from the Shadows – The Curious History of a Forgotten Painting by Nicolas Poussin. Lecture by Prof. dr. Jelena Todorović (Collecting & Display / online – 19 Feb 2024, 18:00 GMT)
When Nicolas Poussin created the sensual image inspired by the myth of Venus and Adonis in 1627/28, he produced it in several identical replicas, of which three have been recognised by European scholarship….