ANN: Glimpses of the Italian Art Market from a Private Collector’s Archive in Zagreb, English (23 Oct 2024, 6:45 pm CET)
Evening lecture by Tanja Trška (University of Zagreb) Moderated by Matilde Cartolari (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität / Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München) Link to join the online event:
TIAMSA Member Discount: PUBL: – Italy for Sale. Alternative Objects – Alternative Markets (Brill, Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets Vol. 19)
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CONF: Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli, between Milan and Europe – Travels, connections and patterns of taste of a mid-19th century collector (online / Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan, 11 Oct 2022)
The international study day organised by the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in collaboration with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the Society for the History of Collecting, aims to celebrate the bicentenary of the…
CONF: Opere in viaggio (Mantova, Istituti Santa Paola/online, 18-19 May 2022)
The conference aims to investigate issues and dynamics related to collecting, reuse and handling of works and objects of art in Mantua between the 18th and 19th centuries through the analysis of significant…
ANN: Seminar – The 5th Earl and Countess of Exeter as late-seventeenth-century collectors of contemporary Italian art, IHR (Online, 7 Feb 2022, 6pm GMT)
On Monday, 7 February, at 6pm London time, Amy Lim will speak to us on The 5th Earl and Countess of Exeter as late-seventeenth-century collectors of contemporary Italian art. Between 1678 and 1700, John Cecil,…
ANN: Alessandro Contini Bonacossi, Antiquario (1878-1955), lecture by Fulvia Zaninelli (SHC / online, 17 Dec 2021, 17:30 GMT / 18:30 CET)
In recent years, the history of the art market has been the subject of considerable research and scholarship encouraged by the increasing availability of significant research resources, both online and in situ at major research institutions and museums….
CONF: Buying Art and Antiquities in 18th Century Rome (UNED Madrid / online, 4 Nov-2 Dec 2021)
This conference is part of the results of the I+D+i project (PID2020-117326GB-I00), FAKE- La perdurabilidad del engaño: Falsificación de Antigüedades en la Roma del siglo XVIII, and the Ramón y Cajal research Project…
ANN: Federico Zeri collezionista eccentrico (online/Fondazione Zeri Bologna, 7 Oct-25 Nov 2021; in Italian)
Ciclo di conferenze – Federico Zeri collezionista eccentrico: “Non credo al bello ma all’opera d’arte come documento storico” Inizia il 7 ottobre la rassegna di incontri Federico Zeri collezionista eccentrico, una delle iniziative promosse dal…
CONF: Pathways of the Art Market / Itinerari del mercato artistico (online, Università degli Studi di Trento, 7-8 June 2021; in Italian)
Itinerari del mercato artistico: Collezionisti, antiquari e intermediari da Napoleone all’Unità Online event Please register before 12.00pm, 6 June 2021