CFP: The Exhibition of Travelling – Exhibitions, editorial projects, networks in the Italian art system since the 1970s (Senzacornice Journal – Studies on Contemporary Art Systems)
The issue inaugurates the new series of the digital Senzacornice Journal, scheduled for publication in summer 2025. The series is composed of monographic issues published annually and is aimed at publishing original and…
ANN: Botticelli on Tour: Italian Old Master Exhibitions in the 1930s between Publicity and Propaganda, lecture by Matilde Cartolari (Forum Kunst und Markt, 27 Jun 2022 18:15 CEST, online)
In January 1930, the great anthological exhibition Italian Art 1200-1900 opened at the Royal Academy of London under the auspices of Benito Mussolini’s government. The exhibition received wide popular acclaim, attracting some 450,000 visitors in less…
CONF: Opere in viaggio (Mantova, Istituti Santa Paola/online, 18-19 May 2022)
The conference aims to investigate issues and dynamics related to collecting, reuse and handling of works and objects of art in Mantua between the 18th and 19th centuries through the analysis of significant…
ANN: Collecting Neoclassical Tuscan Sculptures in the Early 19th Century America (Society for the History of Collecting/Online, 21 Feb, 2022, 5.30pm GMT)
The Society for the History of Collecting invites you to its online lecture, organised by the Italian Chapter Collecting Neoclassical Tuscan Sculptures in the Early 19th Century AmericaMichele Amedei, Università di Firenze Monday,…
ANN: Federico Zeri collezionista eccentrico (online/Fondazione Zeri Bologna, 7 Oct-25 Nov 2021; in Italian)
Ciclo di conferenze – Federico Zeri collezionista eccentrico: “Non credo al bello ma all’opera d’arte come documento storico” Inizia il 7 ottobre la rassegna di incontri Federico Zeri collezionista eccentrico, una delle iniziative promosse dal…