CFP: For a special issue of the Journal Arts & Communication
Alain Quemin seeks contribution for a special issue of the Journal Arts & Communication[please visit for more information and for the publishingguidelines]
PUB: Valuing sculpture: art, craft and industry, 1660–1860 (Sculpture Journal 32.4; open access)
Volume 32.4 of the Sculpture Journal is a Special Issue titled ‘Valuing sculpture: art, craft and industry, 1660–1860’. Contributions reconsider the significance of the interrelationships between art, craft & industry from the seventeenth…
ANN: RIHA Journal special issue 2023: The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era
This publication was inspired by the 2017–2019 German/American Provenance Research Exchange Program (PREP). We hope that it will augment our understanding of the role of antiquities in the art world in the Nazi…
ANN: Out now: Sediment – Resources for and Studies in the History of the Art Market no. 32 (ZADIK Cologne)
Anlässlich des 30. Jubiläums nimmt das ZADIK die eigene Historie sowie Bestände, die Kontexte zur Kunst und die Vielfalt im Kunstmarkt in den Fokus: Die Meilensteine führen durch drei Jahrzehnte der Geschichte des…
CFP: Photographica, Issue 8: On the value(s) of photographs / Photographies et valeur(s): production, mécanismes, sources
De quoi parle-t-on lorsqu’il est question de la “valeur” des photographies ? À la manière de l’anthropologue David Graeber (1), il faudrait pouvoir faire une différence entre la valeur de la photographie comme…
CFP – Burlington Contemporary Journal, Issue 8
Burlington Contemporary is an open-access platform for new writing on contemporary art, published by The Burlington Magazine. It publishes weekly book and exhibition reviews, interviews and artist profiles, and twice a year publishes…
CFP: Reproductions (Histoire de l’art, n° 92)
« Il est du principe de l’œuvre d’art d’avoir toujours été reproductible. » Depuis cette célèbre assertion de Walter Benjamin, la question de la reproduction en art s’est considérablement actualisée. Bien loin de susciter une…
CFP: transfer – Journal for Provenance Research and the History of Collection 2 (2023)
The online journal transfer is an academic publication platform in the area of provenance research and the history of collection as well as adjacent fields of investigation, like art market studies, reception history,…
CFP: Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Spring issue 2023
Founded in 2002, Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (NCAW) is a scholarly, refereed, open-access journal devoted to studying the art of the long nineteenth-century, from the American and French Revolutions to the outbreak of World…