CONF: NFTs and their Impact on Art Creation, Curation, and Commerce (Kassel, 21-23 Jul 2022)
Over the last couple of years, Non-Fungible Tokens stormed into the creation of arts and, even more so, the art market. New forms of visual arts have developed, and existing artworks are increasingly…
JOB: Research Assistant – Art and Economies / Kunst und Oekonomien (University of Kassel, Germany)
(German version below)The University of Kassel is a modern and growing University with around 25.000 students. It has an extraordinarily wide section with expertise of nature, technique, culture and society. In the Department…
TIAMSA Member News: Nadine Oberste-Hetbleck appointed Director of the documenta archive
We congratulate TIAMSA member Dr. Nadine Oberste-Hetbleck on her appointement as Director of the documenta archive! Nadine Oberste-Hetbleck was previously „Juniorprofessorin“ for Art Market Studies at the University of Cologne. Click here to…
JOB: Projektkoordination Provenienzforschung (m/w/d), Hessische Museumsverband e.V., Kassel
Application deadline: Mar 31, 2020 Der Hessische Museumsverband e.V. (HMV) ist der landesweit organisierte und tätige Fachverband für die staatlichen, kommunalen und privatrechtlichen Museen in Hessen.
JOB: Direktor/in fuer das documenta archiv (Kassel)
Application deadline: Feb 18, 2020 Die documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/nDirektorin / Direktor des documenta archivs (m/w/d) Das documenta archiv wurde 1961 von Arnold Bode, dem Gründungsvater der…