ANN: Seminar – International Legislation and Issues Related to the Return of Works of Art (Milan, 14 Feb 2023)
Conversazioni Tra Arte E Diritto Da una collaborazione tra il nostro studio legale e la casa d’aste ARTCURIAL è nata l’idea di dedicare tre pomeriggi all’esame di alcune tematiche di interesse per il…
CONF: Decolonizing Heritage – The Return of Cultural Objects to Africa : An International Law Perspective (Centre universitaire du droit de l’art, Univ. of Geneva; 23-24 Sept 2021)
Depuis la déclaration faite à Ouagadougou en 2017 par le Président Emmanuel Macron, pour qui les biens culturels doivent être restitués aux Etats africains victimes de la colonisation, les musées européens ont dû réévaluer…
ANN: IAL Course – Law 101 for dealers in art and antiques (Online, 19 & 21 Apr 2021)
IAL is offering, in participation with the British Antiques Dealers Association (BADA), a course called ‘Law 101 for dealers in art and antiques’ to run in two parts on 19th and 21st April 2021.
ANN: IAL Course – Diploma in Art Profession Law and Ethics (Online, Jun to Dec 2021)
IAL’s Diploma in Art Profession Law and Ethics will run online over seven months, commencing Jun 2021. This intensive, interactive course is designed to introduce both art professionals and lawyers to the specific…
CONF: Tools for the Future: workshop 5 (Ljubljana, 7-8 Sep 2020)
International workshop series: TOOLS FOR THE FUTURE – RESEARCHING ART MARKET PRACTICES FROM PAST TO PRESENTWorkshop 5: Legislation, Legal Structures and their Impact on the Art Market Ljubljana, 7-8 Sep 2020Ljubljana, Research Centre…
ANN: Bonn University Round Table on Art and Cultural Property Protection Law
Einladung zum Bonner Gesprächskreis Kunst- und KulturgutschutzrechtEs freut uns sehr, dass wir unseren Bonner Gesprächskreis zum Kunst- und Kulturgutschutzrecht mit folgender Veranstaltung fortsetzen können: Der Fall Curt Glaser:Historische und rechtliche Herausforderungen für gerechte und…
STIP: up to 13 PhD Grants at “International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture” (Univ. Giessen)
The International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture (GCSC) of Justus Liebig University of Giessen, funded by the excellence cluster of the Federal Government and the individual German states, offers a PhD…
CFP : Images, Copyright, & the Public Domain in the 19th Century (Winterthur, 29-30 Mar 18)
Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library, Paris VII Diderot, March 29 – 30, 2018 Deadline: Feb 1, 2017 In partnership with LARCA (Laboratoire de recherches sur les cultures anglophones), Université Paris Diderot A combination of technological,…
CONF: Art, Provenance and Law – Kunst, Provenienz und Recht, June 13-14, Bonn
Art, Provenance and Law – Challenges and Expectations Kunst, Provenienz und Recht – Herausforderungen und Erwartungen Universität Bonn, Hauptgebäude, Hörsaal IX, 13. – 14.06.2016 Monday, June 13, 2016 18.00 Uhr Nina Dethloff Geschäftsführende Direktorin des Käte…