ANN: Upcoming event within the evening lecture series organized by the working group Italy of the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V. (26/ 6/ 2024)
Upcoming event within the Lecture Series by the Working group Italy of the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V. (online, 10 May-4 Dec 24) “On the ministerial perspective: tools of provenance research in post-unitarian Italy“ (ENG)26…
ANN: Donata Levi – Reflecting on the gaze of the connoisseur (The Hugo Helbing Lecture, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich & online, 24 April 2024, 18:15 CET)
In the last decades of the 20th century, art history has been subject to a deep process of rethinking. In particular, the practice of connoisseurship, which had played an important role at the…
ANN: Power and Agency in Data Infrastructures of Museum and Archival Collections, Lecture by Sara Akhlaq (DZK & CARMAH / online, 26 Feb 2024, 18:00 CET)
Museums and archives gain a wider influx through digitising their collections and making the cultural data thus produced accessible online. However, if not addressed during the digitisation process, the racial, gender and colonial…
ANN: German Sales Primary Market (1871-1949). Ein digitales Pilotprojekt (Fokum Evening Lecture, Online, 29 Jan 2024,18:15-19:45 CET)
German Sales stellt bislang überwiegend digitalisierte Auktionskataloge bereit, Verkaufs- bzw. Lagerkataloge konnten nur in geringem Umfang berücksichtigt werden. Das von der DFG ab 2023 für zwei Jahre geförderte Kooperationsprojekt der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg und der Berlinischen Galerie German Sales Primary Market….
ANN: The collection of Ignacio León y Escosura (1834-1901) – Lecture by Emma Pulit (Collecing and Display, Inst. of Historical Research, London / online)
This paper discusses a perfect example of recontextualization and transformation: the collection of the Spanish painter Ignacio León y Escosura (1834-1901). The artist had, in fact, started collecting objects not only out of…
ANN: Forum Kunst und Markt – Invitation to view our eEvening Lecture of 03 Aug 2020
The Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies cordially invites you to the Fokum eEvening Lecture of Prof. Dr. Nils Büttner, Stuttgart. Prof. Dr. Nils Büttner, StuttgartEin originaler Rubens? Von Expertise,…
ANN (Lecture) – Isabelle Graw: “Der Wert der Kunst unter veränderten Vorzeichen”, Forum Kunst und Markt eLecture (in German)
The Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies Evening Lecture of 13 July 2020 – held by Isabelle Graw (Frankfurt a.M.): “Der Wert der Kunst unter veränderten Vorzeichen“ (in German)…
ANN: Lecture – Un amateurisme éclairé ? Décrire pour vendre les objets d’art islamique dans les catalogues de vente (XIXe-XXIe siècle) 21 janvier
Paris, Institut national d’histoire de l’art, October 1, 2019 – January 21, 2020 Usages (historiens) des objets Cycle de conférences organisé par Manuel Charpy (CNRS) et Noémie Étienne (Université de Berne) Automne 2019-hiver…
ANN: Lecture: Catherine MacKenzie — Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 18.09.2019, Munich
Dr. Max Stern and Canadian art: an engagement generated by exile Lecture will be in English Forced from his profession as an art dealer and gallery owner by the National Socialists in Germany…