CFP: 100 Histories of 100 Worlds in 1 Object
Call for papers: 100 Histories of 100 Worlds in 1 ObjectDeadline: 15 Nov 2020 Ten years after the radio programme was broadcast, our project 100 Histories of 100 Worlds in 1 Object returns…
STIP: 2 research fellowships ‘The Benin Bronzes’ (01.01.2018, Hamburg)
2 Promotionsstip. “Die Benin-Bronzen. Die Globalisierung des kolonialen Kunstraubs” (Univ. Hamburg) Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 01.01.2018 Bewerbungsschluss: 01.11.2017 Das Historische Seminar (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmerer) in der Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften an der Universität Hamburg vergibt…
Call for Sessions: Art and its directions, AAANZ (Perth)
The Conference Committee would like to invite proposals for panel sessions for the AAANZ 2017 Conference in Perth. The deadline for session proposals is COB Monday 22 May 2017 Please see the submission…