CFP: Signs with Symbolic Character. Collections as a Mirror of Social Values (Munich, 4 Nov 2022)
The Art History Department of the University of Munich (LMU) is organising a one-day workshop during the first network meeting of the Transuniversity Doctoral Forum of Provenance Research (TPP) in Munich. This workshop…
CFP: What’s a Collection Nowadays? / Qu’est-ce qu’une collection aujourd’hui ? (Univ. de Montréal / Ecole du Louvre, Paris/online, 17-21 Oct 22)
Le groupe de recherche CIÉCO et l’École du Louvre s’associent pour l’organisation du colloque inaugural du Partenariat (CRSH 2021-2028) sur « les nouveaux usages des collections dans les musées d’art ». Le colloque réunira…
CFP: Stedelijk Studies, Issue 12: Diaspora and Collections
The “Diaspora” has come to describe mass movements of displaced peoples, or the scattering of a people away from their geographical “origin”. Yet diasporic movements are not sequestered within the flow of people:…
ANN: Parcours d’objets. Études de provenances des collections d’art “Extra-occidental”. Les collections d’Amérique du Nord en France (INHA Paris, 16 Dec 2021, 18:30 CET)
Le musée du quai Branly – Jacques-Chirac dispose d’une importante collection d’objets collectés entre 1650 et 1850, dans les régions du Sud-Est, des Plaines et des Grands Lacs, situées dans les territoires actuels…
STIP: Rijksmuseum Fellowship Programme 2022-2023
If you have an international independent research proposal which could open new perspectives on the Rijksmuseum’s history and activities, we’d love to hear from you. The purpose of the Rijksmuseum Fellowship Programme is to strengthen…
CONF: Collections privees dans les institutions publiques (Montpellier MO.CO. / online, 18 Nov 2021, 9.30am CET)
Collections privees dans les institutions publiques, Montpellier MO.CO. L’événement peut être suivi en direct:
ANN: Merle de Massoneau and the Formation of his Collection of Antiquities, Lecture by Sujatha Chandrasekaran (IHR Collecting & Display / online; 5 Jul 2021, 6pm BST)
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, collectors of ancient art look towards Imperial Russia and its Black Sea littoral as a place of rich and beautiful finds of all periods and styles, ranging from…
CONF: Artists’ Estates in Saxony-Anhalt / Nachlässe bildender Künstler/innen in Sachsen-Anhalt (online, 9-10 Jun 2021)
Künstlernachlässe sind eine Fundgrube und halten immer wieder Überraschungen bereit. Sie erklären, verdeutlichen oder weisen hin auf Lebensumstände, Kontexte und Werkentwicklungen. Man findet in ihnen Entwürfe, Vorstudien, Notizen und kann so Anregungen und Anknüpfungen…
CONF: Collecting Asian Art in Prague: Cultural Politics and Transcontinental Networks in 20th Century Central Europe (National Gallery Prague, 17-18 June 2021)
This conference looks at collections of Asian art in and outside Prague from the perspective of the national cultural politics interconnected with individual encounters as well as institutional cultural and diplomatic exchange in…