ANN: Rijksmuseum Fellowship Programme
Applications now open for The Rijksmuseum Fellowship ProgrammeDeadline: 17 January 2021 The Rijksmuseum Fellowship Programme is open to the new generation of museum professionals, inquisitive, object-based specialists who will further develop an understanding…
CONF: Sammlungen – Provenienz – Kulturelles Erbe 5.0 (online, 22-23 Jan 2021)
Sammlungen – Provenienz – Kulturelles Erbe 5.0 (online, 22-23 Jan 2021)Online / Julius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgAnmeldeschluss: 20 Jan 2021 Sammlungen – Provenienz – Kulturelles Erbe 5.0 Eine Kooperation der Fächer Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte und Museologie der…
JOB: Provenance Research / Provenienzforschung, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Provenance Research / Provenienzforschung, Staatliche Kunsthalle KarlsruheApplication deadline: 8 Nov 2020 Die Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe gehört mit ihrer hochrangigen Sammlung und einer regen Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungstätigkeit zu den großen Kunstmuseen in Deutschland.
ANN: 6 PhD Scholarships – Sammeln in der Gegenwart (Collecting Today), Mercator-Promotionsstipendium, Koeln
Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne, 01.04.2021Application deadline: Oct 23, 2020 Sammeln in der Gegenwart. MERCATOR-PROMOTIONSSTIPENDIUMan der a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
ANN: Lecture – Who Knows? Who Should Know? Indigenous Knowledge and Provenance Research (Online, 6pm 24 Aug 2020)
wir freuen uns, Sie in Kooperation mit CARMAH (Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage) zum monatlichen „Kolloquium Provenienzforschung“ des Deutschen Zentrums Kulturgutverluste einzuladen. Am Montag, dem 24. August 2020, um 18.00 Uhr hält Paul Turnbull…
TIAMSA Member News: The Society for the History of Collecting Invites you to its Online Lecture “Collecting as a Public Good”
July 30, 6.30 pm BST Prof. Julie Codell Public good is a microeconomic term meaning a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous, from which individuals cannot be excluded from use or could…
CFP: The Evolving House Museum: Art Collectors and Their Residences, Then and Now (College Art Association, Annual Conference New York City, 10–13 Feb 2021)
Call for papers for Session at the College Art Association’s 2021 Conference to take place in New York City. The Evolving House Museum: Art Collectors and Their Residences, Then and NowDeadline: 20 Jul…
CONF: Museum Collections in Motion. Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters, Cologne 15.07.2019-18.07.2019
A cooperation of: University of Cologne, Bremen University, the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne and boasblogs The growing public awareness of colonial violence and historical injustice has put ethnographic collections into the spotlight of social and…