ANN: Spoliation and Recovery of Art and Antiquities from Italy (The Society for the History of Collecting/Online, 22 Mar 2022, 3pm GMT)
As Italy’s artistic heritage, both antiquities and fine art, has been hardest hit by the illicit art trade, these papers will focus on the country’s historic spoliation during the Renaissance, Napoleonic and Grand…
ANN: Lecture – “Stepping onto the Pedestal: An Animating History of Restitution from the Napoleonic Wars“ by Alice Goff (American Academy in Berlin / online, 17 May 2021, 19:30 CET)
Stepping onto the Pedestal: An Animating History of Art Restitution from the Napoleonic Wars Online eventAll registered guests will receive participation instructions one to two days prior to the event.
CFP: Old Masters Worldwide (apply by Feb 1, 2017)
A Worldwide Market for Old Masters between the Napoleonic Era and the Great Depression Edited by Susanna Avery-Quash and Barbara Pezzini Call for Book Chapters; Deadline: Feb 1, 2017 We are soliciting chapter…