ANN: Highlights from the 7th Annual Conference of TIAMSA Multiple Art Markets in an Expanding World: Artists, Agents, Networks, Exchange (University of Melbourne, 10-13 July 2024)
TIAMSA would like to extend a warm thank you to all the participants, our convenors Dr Georgina S. Walker and Associate Professor Christopher R. Marshall, the University of Melbourne and Faculty of Arts…
CONF: Artist and Networks – Friends, Collaborators, Contract Owners (Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague – 30-31 May)
PROGRAM: THURSDAY 30 MAY 9.00–9.30 Registrace / Registration 9.30–9.45 Zahájení / IntroductionTomáš Winter (ředitel Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR, Praha / Director of the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
CONF: Storms and Networks – Modernisms in an extended territorial context (Belvedere Museum Vienna, 7 May 2024)
From 1900 onward, pivotal influences shaping the trajectory of modern art emanated from diverse Central-South-Eastern European regions. The challenge lies in defining the scope of this interconnected and evolving modernity within the broader…
CFP: Artist and Networks – Friends, Collaborators, Contract Owners (Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the National Gallery in Prague, 30-31 May 2024)
Only in rare cases has the artist been a complete loner, more often we find him in the middle of a more or less complex network of social relationships. Because of his profession…