CFP: From Linguistic Innovation to Cultural Transformation: Unpacking the Implications of ICOM’s New Museum Definition in Italy and France” (Bologna, 18-19 Mar 2024)
Call for AbstractsWorkshop, University of Bologna, Bologna 18-19 March 2024Deadline: 19 Nov 2023 Cultural heritage has been continuously impacted by innovations, particularly in recentyears, as a result of the digital revolution, the NFT…
TIAMSA Member News: CFP: ARTS Special Issue “NFTs, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse: The Web3 Revolution That Has Transformed the Art Market”
The sale of Beeple’s Non-Fungible Token (NFT) artwork “Everydays—Everydays: The First 5000 Days” for over $69.3 million at Christie’s online auction on 11 March 2021 ruptured the contemporary art market, representing the coming…
TIAMSA Member News: “NFTs – Just another Art Market Bubble?”, AfterWorkTalk at GSK Berlin, June 29, 7pm CET
Non-fungible token oder schlicht NFTs sind in aller Munde, nicht zuletzt deswegen, weil für sie mittlerweile mehrere Millionen Dollar ausgegeben werden und für sie innerhalb nur weniger Jahre ein Milliardenmarkt entstanden ist.
TIAMSA Member News: On 6 May TIAMSA Legal Co-Hosted the Conference “Block Chain and the Art Market – Hype or Revolution?” (Christie’s, London)
For the second time, TIAMSA Legal, the legal group within TIAMSA partnered with Libralex and Christie’s Education to organise an Art Law Conference, this time generously hosted by Christie’s in London (after a first…
TIAMSA Member News – CONF: Block Chain and the Art Market – Hype or Revolution? (2nd Art Law Conference organized by Libralex in cooperation with TIAMSA Legal and Christie’s Education; Christie’s London 6 May 2022)
Libralex, in cooperation with TIAMSA Legal and Christie’s Education, cordially invites you to its 2nd Art Law Conference at Christie’s London on 6 May 2022. Following the first Art Law Conference at Christie’s in New York in September 2019, Libralex will…