CFP: Matter in Motion – Transcultural Material and Symbolic Transformations (Session at the CIHA Conference, Lyon, 23-28 Jun 2024)
Paper proposals are invited for the session “Matter in Motion: Transcultural Material and Symbolic Transformations” at the conference of the International Congress of the History of Art (CIHA), June 23 – 28, 2024,…
CONF: The Mutability of Collections – Transformation, Contextualisation and Re-Interpretation (Collecting & Display, London, 7 July 2023)
This one-day conference concentrates on the ways in which objects in collections are added, exchanged or disposed of, translated and transformed. Items can be moved to new surroundings and different decorative settings, resulting…
ANN: Booked and Busy. Syncretic Methodologies Towards Provenance Research into East Asian Objects, lecture by Tullia Fraser (V&A Museum, London, 6 June 2023, 16:00-17:30)
Note: Past Event | For Reference Only In the shifting international order of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the United Kingdom saw a surge in the presence of East Asian material culture. Acquired…
CFP: Contesting Objects: Sites, Narratives, Contexts – 5th Transregional Academy on Latin American Art (Lima, 4-12 May 2024)
The German Center for Art History (DFK Paris, Max Weber Foundation), the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (BHMPI), and the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) invite…
ANN: Wie kamen die Objekte ins Museum? Eine Spurensuche. (Berlin, 25 May-5 Oct 2023)
Die neue Gesprächsreihe in den Ausstellungen der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin fragt nach der Herkunft und der Bedeutung der Objekte: Wem haben sie einst gehört und wer hat sie hergebracht? Die Gespräche geben…
CFP: Promoting the Made in Italy Brand: 1948-1960. Histories of Italian craft and design for the 21st century (Politecnico di Milano, 16-18 May 2023)
This 3-day international conference is organized as part of the VO Project – Voices of Objects. Italian Design from Museum to Home, a FARB 2021 project funded by the Department of Design at…
CONF: Conservations divergentes. Préservation et transmission des collections de provenance coloniale en débat (INHA Paris, 12 Dec 2022)
La conservation muséale en Occident s’est longtemps concentrée sur la préservation physique des objets. Pour stabiliser les artefacts dans le temps, il s’agissait de les soustraire aux influences environnementales changeantes. Aujourd’hui, le régime…
STIP: Center for Netherlandish Art Fellowships 2023 / 2024 (Center for Netherlandish Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
The Center for Netherlandish Art (CNA) seeks applicants for the CNA Fellowship Program for object-based research into Netherlandish art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. These Fellowships are full-time appointments for a…
ANN: Collections and Impermanence: Transfer, Exchange and Disposal (Online/Society for the History of Collecting, 10 & 17 Nov 2022)
The Society for the History of Collecting is pleased to invite you to its PhD and Early Career Researcher Workshop – open to all. Online, Thursday 10th November (5.30-7.45pm GMT; 6.30-8.45pm CET; 12:45-2:45pm EDT;…