CONF: Provenienzforschung und Fotografie (Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste, UB Leipzig / online – 18-19 April 2024)
Das Deutsche Zentrum Kulturgutverluste lädt herzlich zu seiner jährlichen Fachtagung ein! Dieses Jahr findet sie am 18. und 19. April 2024 statt und widmet sich dem Thema „Provenienzforschung und Fotografie“. Die zweitägige Konferenz…
CFP: Fotografie und Provenienzforschung (Arbeitstitel) (DZK, Jahreskonferenz in der UB Leipzig, 18-19 April 2024)
Bedeutung und Rolle von Fotografien als zentrale Quellen und gleichzeitig als materielle Gegenstände der Provenienzforschung sind ein aktuelles und brisantes, aber bisher noch relativ selten behandeltes Thema. In Fachkreisen der Provenienzforschung wird die…
CFP: Photography and its Institutions: Networks, Collections, Archives, Museums (Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities Essen, 23-24 June 2022)
A conference based upon the research project “Forms and Formats of Photography’s Institutionalisation” at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities Essen (KWI), Thursday and Friday, 23 and 24 of June 2022, organised…
CFP: New Perspectives on Contemporary Scottish Photography (Scottish Society for the History of Photography / online, 21 Aug 2021)
The Scottish Society for the History of Photography (SSHoP), also known as Studies in Photography, invites proposals for its inaugural Student Symposium, open to postgraduate students in the UK and abroad. The event…
CONF: Behind the Picture: Towards a social and cultural history of photographic image producers, 19th-21st centuries (online / INHA Paris, 25 Jun 2021)
Behind the picture. Towards a social and cultural history of photographic image producers (19th-21st centuries) / Derrière l’image. Pour une histoire sociale et culturelle des producteurs de photographies (XIXe-XXIe siècles). The workshop “Behind…
ANN: Seminar – Law & Photography, Institute of Art and Law (Online, 01 Jul 2021)
We are pleased to announce a new seminar on the topic of law and photography taking place on 1st July 2021, from 12.00 to 5.00 pm UK time. The online seminar will cover the legal aspects…
TIAMSA News – CFP: Women Art Dealers and Photography: Picturing Identities, Networks and Selling Strategies (Session at CAA Chicago, 16-19 Feb 2022, chaired by Caterina Toschi and Véronique Chagnon-Burke)
This session pertains to “WADDA | Women Art Dealers Digital Archive“, an initiative aiming to document how photography has participated in the construction of the identity of women-run galleries, while supporting the formation of…
CFP: Photography in Asia 1839-1939 (online / Academy of Performing Arts (APA), Prague & European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, Sep 30–Oct 2, 2021)
Proposals are invited for the international symposium: Photography in Asia 1839-1939 Accepted submissions will also be published in a peer-reviewed publication.Deadline: 7 Jun 2021 The discovery of photography played a key role in…
CFP: Bringing down the Archive Fever (Zagreb, 21-22 Oct 2021)
Call for papers for Bringing down the Archive Fever – opening and collaborating on photography archives and collectionsZagreb, Croatia, 21–22 Oct 2021Deadline: 1 Jun 2021 Photography archives are more than just collecting, writing…